event log file

  • Hi all,

    I don't find information about "event log" file. I see in Shelly app only some ones, but don't know how much registers are availables, and if it's posible to download this file.

    Someone can help mi?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    It is not possible to download the eventlog data.

    As far as I know, you can see the last 50 events in the eventlog of the app.

    Unfortunately the H&T or other sensors where offt are eating up these 50 logs quickly.

    Best for the devices where you don't need a log, in the settings under Application Settings -> exclude from event log ,disable. So you can see important logs longer.

    LG Michael

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  • Thanks #MIHO, although not being able to access that history is a shame.;(

    Perhaps it would be a good configuration option to enable a private place in the user's cloud to store these records.:thumbup: