Shelly PLUG overpower issue without load

  • Hello, please help me understand where could be the issue. I have a trouble with Shelly PLUG (3500W), detects overpower and shutting itself even thou device (oven) connected to it is off. I have only single outlet so I had to use Euro 2-way multi-plug and there is dishwasher connected to it via another Shelly PLUG S (2500W). It's happening only when dishwasher is ON and only once per whole dishwasher cycle. I thought it's detecting some power peak (dishwasher max is approx. only 1.9kW) from shared outlet, but I checked logs and in time when overpower is detected, dishwasher had almost 0W.

    I don't have both appliances running together ever, so single outlet shouldn't be a problem.

    In the middle, there is log from my shelly cloud.

    Is shelly plug faulty and should I replace it?

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Rapid#Cell#12410 (2. September 2020 um 22:22) aus folgendem Grund: typo

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    Welcome to the Forum ??

    This is now the 3 case where I read like this. I myself am also affected.

    A Shelly Plug on a microwave oven has recently been reporting overpower and switching off several times during the day. However, this happens when the microwave is in standby and is not actually used. Standby 1,7W.

    There seems to be something wrong with the big Shelly Plug.

    But it doesn't affect everyone. I have another one on my washing machine, this one works without problems.

    It also has nothing to do with new FW. Had the faulty plug installed on an older FW, but it didn't bring any improvement.

    LG Michael

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  • Have you tried to open trouble ticket with official support? Device is under warranty, it's cloud connected, they might have some visibility I guess.

  • I have the same issue with a Shelly Plug (FW v1.10.4-g3f94cd7) connected to a fridge; it's been cutting power at random times during the night, but when I check the power sensor history it doesn't show any noticeable peaks (for instance, when it happened last night it had been at about 90W for a few hours).

    But it doesn't affect everyone. I have another one on my washing machine, this one works without problems.

    Coincidentally, someone I know also has one on their washing machine, and theirs works perfectly as well.

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