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    Unfortunately this is not yet possible at present. But Allterco is already aware of this wish and they are working on a solution.

    LG Michael

    Einsteigertipps / Tips for beginners

    Meine Shellys:

    In Betrieb:

    Zur Zeit über 150 Shellys, in der Regel alle Cloudverbunden

    Testboard mit fast jedem Shellytyp auf dem Markt.

    Fast 5 Jahre kein übergeordnete System. Nur mit App und WebUI mit Cloudverbindung. Sprachsteuerung mit Alexa:)

    Seit Anfang 2024 ist HomeAssistant mit am Start. Was Shelly Cloud nicht kann, bzw. Lokal gesteuert werden soll, übernimmt da übergeordnete System.

  • Unfortunately this is not yet possible at present. But Allterco is already aware of this wish and they are working on a solution.

    Dear Michael,

    same answer as more than one year ago. It is a bit bothering to set up all my Shelly actors (n=7) every time again (rooms, pictures, settings ...) when members of my family want to control them as I do with their own devices (tablet, smart phone). Being able to copy the settings from one or all actors in one account to another account or from one device to another would be very helpful. Can this be solved by using one 'un-personalized account' used on different devices by different users?

    Thanks for any hints!


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