this product is dangerous. power arcs from L to N.

  • I recently purchased this button with the shelly 1 relay.

    There was no manual in the box and no information inside the button on how to connect lamp and power.

    I connected the device, when I connected it to power nothing worked.

    I then checked on the internet to find a manual. After a while I found instructions and say that I had connected lamp and power the wrong way round. I reconnected the device but still no luck.

    I did notice two issues: the button is not very well made. It comes loose very quickly when you press on one side.

    The second problem is very dangerous. There were sounds of arcing. You could hear the white substance letting power jump from one terminal to another. VERY DANGEROUS.

    Please stop selling this product!

    I also tried to connect the shelly 1 relay without the button and found it does not work any more, the web pages load but the relay does not work.

  • you are here in a forum, not at the producer;)

    and YES if you got something wrong clamped the shelly will be broken

  • I did connect a few of them without bigger issues (if wired according Manual linked below) except :

    - the thinned leads of the first lot were quite hard to get connected.

    - Eltarco came up with an adaption plate in order to improve operation/lifetime of first lot of buttons and they promised that
    everyone who bought buttons of the first lot would receive a voucher such that he would receive the needed amount of adaption
    plates whith his next order.…isch/&fileID=83

    If the Shelly was connected wrong way around first, I would assume that this is the reason that the Shelly might have died.

  • There was no manual in the box and no information inside the button on how to connect lamp and power.

    that may help (4:37 to 4:47), but it is in german:


    I did notice two issues: the button is not very well made. It comes loose very quickly when you press on one side.

    if you have a 3D-Printer, this is the best and fastest way to solve the problem:

    25. Januar 2020 um 12:58
  • Thank you for your input.

    I have now read most of the information.

    I still think the button is an unsafe product. the power is not shielded, the leads are too close together and the white putty does is only a quick fix.

    Am use other shelly products with much satisfaction. The button is not ready for mains use.

    thank you,
