Button off problem on Shelly plus1

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  • Hello everyone, I'm facing a problem with Shelly plus1, I have my device set-uped as button, "Momentary" switch and connected to air conditioner brand Fujitsu RD-25FB with control unit UTY-RNNUM.. The problem is that when I start the air-conditioner I'm successful but when I try to turn the air-conditioner off nothing happens. (as i show in the video) But when I turn it on again it turns off. I would like to connect my Shelly device to thermostat and setup some weekly programming but cannot move on.

    I would need a bit more help than link to some script, I'm learning programming, but am still newbie.

    Thanks Karel


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von kaklu35 (10. Juli 2023 um 10:08)

  • kaklu35 9. Juli 2023 um 21:30

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Button off timing problem lenght of“ zu „Button off problem on Shelly plus1“ geändert.
  • Welcome to the board.

    Sorry I won‘t watch the Video, I think you have explaind your problem well. But you haven‘t provided information about your air-conditioner (Brand, model)

  • Dear Moderator,

    Thank you for your fast response, the video has only 50sec and it says more then thousand words, but i get that you don't want to watch it :). The Air Conditioner is Fujitsu RD-25FB and control unit is UTY-RNNUM.

    With old Shelly 1 you could easily work with the length of button press in setting (witch may or may not be the problem).

    I hope that is all the information you needed, Im going to add it to my first post too.

    Thank you again Karel.

  • Ok so yes this must be ok, you only have to set auto off on timer, try it with one second. But I'll needed wiring diagram to check if you can get ON/OFF State from your air conditioner

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