Where can I find a detailed user manual?

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm seeking clarification regarding the suitability of the Shelly Pro 4PM for my needs. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find comprehensive documentation for this device or any other similar ones, apart from what is available at https://shelly-forum.com/filebase/. However, I feel that the information provided there is insufficient for my requirements, and I prefer not to make assumptions about the functionalities.

    In the absence of a user manual, here are my use case and related questions: I intend to control the on/off functionality of three motors with an approximate power rating of 100W (according to the product webpage, this device seems to be suitable). Here are my questions:

    1. As I understand it, the channels on the device can be controlled remotely via WiFi, through the LCD interface, or by using an external switch. Is my understanding correct?
    2. What is the behavior of the switches? For instance, if I send a turn-on command through WiFi while the external switch is in the off position, what will happen to the output? Or if the external switch is on and I send an off command through WiFi, what will be the output? Can you provide a truth table illustrating these scenarios?
    3. Is it possible to integrate this product with Home Assistant?

    I hope this clarification helps provide a clearer understanding of my questions. Thank you.

  • Hi and welcome to the Forum. :)

    1. Yes

    2. The last request win and will be done

    3. Afaik yes

  • Thank you for your help.

    For point 2 I can build up a truth table thoright configuration, the following 2 setup is viable:

    1. Output 1 shall be ON only if Switch 1 is on and ON commands received through WiFi
    2. Output 2 shall be ON if Switch 1 is ON or ON commands received through WiFi

    Can the device handle(turn on) four motor at the same time with a power rating of 100-150w? I would like to use this to turn on and off the heating system circulation motor based on time and thermostats in the house.

    Can the device report back it state? I would like to turn On/OFF the motor for the floor heating if the main motor in the basement is on/off (which I intended to switched on by a thermostat through the Switch X).

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LoneWolf (14. Juni 2023 um 14:07)

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