shelly 1pm does not work with mains

  • Hi all,

    I recently came into shelly world and it is amazing. Anyways I bought a used shelly 1pm which was listed as working. When I received the module and connected it to the mains nothing was happening. Clicking buttons didn't work as well. When I tried to power it through the programming header with 3.3V though, the module started working. Is my module fried, or can I try to replace some parts to make it alive? I attach my module photo in attachments. The weird thing is that I know this shelly should have a switch between 24v and 230v, but mine doesn't have one.

  • See if any cracks or discoloration are visible on the fuse resistor

    Welcome to the forum. :)

  • Can you guide me which one is the fuse resistor? I couldn't find any schematic anywhere. When I look generally at the board I don't see any obvious signs of broken components. I have a multimeter so I can check if is it broken or not.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von mikimause9 (1. März 2023 um 21:16)

  • This

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    is the fusible resistor. 10 Ω resistance.

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