Problem with temperature setting - decimal number.

  • I have a weekly schedule set from TRV. Every day at 07:00 the temperature should be set to 22.5 Celsius. However, when I look in the morning the temperature is always set to 22 Celsius. During the day it can be manually set to 22.5, but if the weekly schedule sets the temperature to a decimal place the TRV does not respect that.

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  • I can reproduce the bug and will report it. It is also strange that 0.5 degree settings are possible in WebUi, but not in the app.

    LG Michael

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  • Error is reported. Everything else is out of our hands and you have to wait a little and be patient.

    LG Michael

    Einsteigertipps / Tips for beginners

    Meine Shellys:

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    Fast 5 Jahre kein übergeordnete System. Nur mit App und WebUI mit Cloudverbindung. Sprachsteuerung mit Alexa:)

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