DC support - dry contacts

  • The latest version of the pro range don’t support DC anymore.

    As it happens, I really need DC and dry contact like the Shelly plus 1.

    The cabling to my wall switches is running on 24V DC and steer Gardy Freetele TL switches in the wall cabinet. (So those cables cannot support 220Vac). I want to replace those interrupters with Shelly devices to make then smart.

    Is there any other solution to this ?

    I thought of using Shelly 1’s but then I need a way to mount them on a DIN rail.

  • Yes, unfortunately the DC option from the new Pro series is no longer available. I would simply use DIN rail holders from the 3D printer. These are now available for all Shelly types. If you have a printer, you can look it up in the filbase, otherwise we also have an offer for forum members from a manufacturer of such holders.

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