Shelly Dimmer 2 - flickering after Calibration

  • Hi,

    I've just installed my Dimmer 2 in my dorm. Since the light switch was connected without neutral, I spliced into the neutral wire of the socket right below the light switch, to be able to connect the shelly with neutral connected since I have read, that connecting no neutral wire has resulted in quite a lot of issue threads and I hoped to get around that, but here we are..

    Once connected and setup via WIFI (including upgrading the firmware to 0.11) I played around with the brightness and the two issues occured:

    - The light started to flicker at around 30% brightness. I then read up on that issue and read multiple times that a calibration should be done. My issue now is, that the light is flickering up to 80% which makes the dimming function unusable.

    The weird thing about that is: Before the calibration the power went from about 25W at 0% brightness up to 45W at 100% brightness, and after completing the calibration process, the powerdraw is not <10W and flickering.

    - Basically no dimming occured. During the calibration process, for like 2-3sec the light actually did the dimming process from being completely bright to dimming almost completely down, but before and after the calibration process, the dimming does nothing until the light starts flickering aka stays at the same perceived brightness (at least in my eyes).

    I'm sill amazed at the small little box and will continue using its sheduled turn ons for sure, but would love to be able to dimm the lights in the evenings :)

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer

  • Obviously, your lights are not dimmable (or poorly dimmable)?! There should be a compatibility table in this forum, giving hints to choose „good“ lights. Will try to find it…

    Addendum: Here it is (unfortunately in German language):

    „Habt Geduld. Alle Dinge sind schwierig, bevor sie einfach werden!“ (aus Frankreich)

    „Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.“ (Marie Curie, 1867-1934)

    „Es reicht nicht“, rief Schiller, „Gedankenfreiheit zu fordern, man muß auch denken können, sonst fordert man Gedankenlosigkeitsfreiheit und die ist die Freiheit zur Dummheit, welche wiederum die schlimmste Unfreiheit überhaupt ist!“
    (Aus „Besuch aus Weimar“ von Gert Heidenreich, Schriftsteller, *1944 in Eberswalde)

  • No Idea what kind of lights are installed here. Guess I'll have to live without dimming for the perceived future.

    Thanks anyway