Delete shelly device

  • Hello,

    have a problem trying to delete rgbw2

    I press delete and get a green confirmation message that device is successfully deleted.

    But nothing changes - device is still there.

    Any advice?

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  • Shelly RGBW2 is a four channel device (at least in white modus). Hence, each of the four channels (in your screenshot Rgb2, Rgb3 and Rgb4) must be deleted too.

    „Habt Geduld. Alle Dinge sind schwierig, bevor sie einfach werden!“ (aus Frankreich)

    „Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.“ (Marie Curie, 1867-1934)

    „Es reicht nicht“, rief Schiller, „Gedankenfreiheit zu fordern, man muß auch denken können, sonst fordert man Gedankenlosigkeitsfreiheit und die ist die Freiheit zur Dummheit, welche wiederum die schlimmste Unfreiheit überhaupt ist!“
    (Aus „Besuch aus Weimar“ von Gert Heidenreich, Schriftsteller, *1944 in Eberswalde)

  • Shelly RGBW2 is a four channel device (at least in white modus). Hence, each of the four channels (in your screenshot Rgb2, Rgb3 and Rgb4) must be deleted too.

    It is indeed 4 channel device, the problem is that only first one got deleted, and 3 remaining gets "deleted successfully" but does not disappear (as it is visible in screenshot). I have tried to delete them from the app too with the same result :(