• Hello everyone! I am struggling the last two weeks with the intercom BPT E/220. Unfortunately everything I have tried where in vain. I am attaching a picture of the intercom and the cables connected to it.

    What I know so far are the following:

    • Intercom provides 11.5V DC between connections 2 - 1 and 2 - 3. There is not enough power to power up a shelly uni or even a sonoff 5V with step down.
    • Door is unlocked if a connection with cable 1 and 2 is established
    • When the door bell is pressed 1.2V is noticed between cables 1 - 4 and 3 - 4

    I am able to power shelly uni with external power supply and unlock the door. But how would I be able to detect the 1.2V when the doorbell button is pressed?

  • Due to the fact you’ve not only a simple doorbell but a door intercom, I would recommend to tap the signal „doorbell rings“ from the loudspeaker of the intercom station. An how-to is to find here (unfortunately in German language):

    6. Januar 2022 um 13:25

    You should be aware of a small disadvantage: If a door signal was received and signalised via the Shelly, some extra signalisation could occur if intercom is used to speak with the visitor. But this should not be very relevant…

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    „Comment is free, but facts are sacred“ (C.P. Scott, britischer Verleger)

  • Thank you very much for your reply! I managed to get this working with an esp8266 and a relay. I am able to get a volt reading from the A0 port of the esp8266 which is triggered when the doorbel is pressed.