I had a number of old style 60w bulbs used 2 in a 6 bulb rose and worked ok, but because 6 wont work (too much power) I purchased 6 4w Leds - now I just get constant flickering. They will not calibrate on either option and on attempt to dim they go offline. This is a no neutral setup without a bypass (as bypass not needed apparently for anything above 15w). Please help getting v.Frustrated, third set of lights....
Wont calibrate just flickers
- Shelly Dimmer
davidtja -
14. Dezember 2021 um 18:33 -
Are you really sure the LED are dimmable? What brand is it, what type?
Good point and it was the first thing that struck me. They say they are dimmable heres the link.
Obviously dimmable. But I’m sure you’re aware of the compatibility table for dimmable lamps? (Click!)This table lists issues with dimmable (they said…) lamps and Shelly dimmer/dimmer 2.
Please try to replace ONE of the 6 LED bulbs with one of the old 40W incandescent bulbs and give us a feedback!
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