Shelly Dimmer 2 Recovery FW 1.8.0 1.0.0

  • Wahrscheinlich Shelly Dimmer 2 Recovery FW 1.8.0. Ich selber konnte sie noch nicht testen.

    User roedert konnte seinen Dimmer 2 damit aber wiederbeleben.


Kommentare 3

I have the same problem when using this .bin. I can flash by wire the Tasmota-FW but not back to the original FW. Is there a well known way to do this?

This firmware is version 1.8.0. You need to upgrade to 1.8.2 first, then 1.8.3 and then 1.8.4 using this website: It should work. If you upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.8.4 directly, then you have this problem showing the index page.

I was not able to use this to restore my shelly dimmer 2. When connecting to the embedded web interface it routes me to this index page.

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How can I solve this?