Beiträge von MBSVLD

    Good day all,

    This is probably a stupid question but I need to ask: where do I set the UDP port number in the app or Cloud? I use my Motion 2 in a Loxone system, have managed to get that working perfectly, but due to issues under way, cannot get it back to work. The issue is most probably in the UDP port. I however cannot find the setting in the menu of the motion 2.

    Under Internet, there is nothing like COIOT visible (anymore).

    What am i overlooking, where have I gone wrong...

    Many thanks for a push in the right direction. Once I have got this working again, I'll leave a how-to post in the Loxone section.


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    Good day everybody,

    I am new on the forum, have been using Shelly devices for a while though. My main use of Shelly devices is in a Loxone smart home environment.

    There are some benefits to using Shelly over original Loxone equipment. The price is a definite advantage, the flexibility/range Shelly offers, the size of certain devices etc. I use plugs to switch via Loxone (e.g. on an e-bike charger) and switch devices on and of for reasons of saving electricity.

    I am currently playing around with motion sensors. The idea is to automate lighting by e.g. sticking motion sensors under table tops and cabinets and automate lights when required.

    Best regards,
