Beiträge von L.Sousa
And you are shure to have the same L on both ?
Yes i have! The Live it's the same to both. Hob and Oven but i have two claps (one to Oven other to Hob) connected to Shelly EM! The bad of situation it's the consumption appears incorrect because the negative values!
Hi! I need your help again please. I have used a Shelly EM to mesure my oven and my induction hob. On oven the measure appears 0 watts, but on the induction hob appears -11 watts (a negative values) with the hob off. When i connect the hob appears positive values as expected but at off position appears negative values.... I have already changed the clamps 1 to 2 and 2 to 1 and always appears a negative value. It's possible to put to zero?
Hi! Anyone can tell me how to reset this new device?
Thank's in advance
And about 2.5 new "Ends Delay"? Can you give me more info about that option? Thank's in advance.
I got a Shelly Motion Sensor last week and I it just works 1 out of 50 times. I setup for motion to run an action and also for end-motion to switch on/off a bulb.
When I ping the device I get 50-70% packet loss, which I guess is the reason it's not working well. When I track the device through WebGUI it recognizes always the motion and when I open the action URL manually from the Smartphone it works.
Of course I have the latest firmware and also tried firmware reset. I guess it's just a piece of rubbish.
Same here!
Hi. I have received the desktop and Android new apps. But there's many errors in both. Desktop version and if i select Portuguese language the translation appears crazy, in the Android version there's no way to select portuguese because the options don't scrolls, also the refresh of the app its lazy i turn on lights and only after some minutes the information appears on the screen with consumption and logo. The 100% on roller shutter appears cropped, and so on. Please fix that!
Hi people
I have a Legrand video intercom. On the device i have a button to open a door and another one to open a gate and other to turn on the lights. I whant if it's possible to connect a Shelly device to receive a button info and send a command to my shelly i already have to open gate and other Shelly 1 to turn on the lights.
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Use ioBroker or Fhem or ...
But it will be nice a Central Favorites. And the user can select various devices to that favorite...
But i want to go a Favorites page and select the Favorite i want
Drive every shutter in the position, and store this as a favorite.
Then define 1 Shelly and with it's actions call the others.
First part it's already done but i can figure how can i put all of them going to one favorite
Hi there. I have all my roller shutters working with a proper Shelly 2.5. I have favorites to put the shutters at 1/2 or 2/3 etc. I have shutthers with different sizes and i want to create on favorite to put all my shutthers at favorite 1 (all shutters the 1st favourite it's half closed), etc. It's that possible? Thank's in advance
YES! It's that the Detached option makes the SW unvailable.
Thak's a lot.
Hi L.Sousa,
you can use a HTTP-Request to change the Button-Type on the Shelly.
will "cut" the physical SW-connection from the switch-logic.
http://IP-SHELLY/settings/relay/0?btn_type=momentary (example)
will turn back the SW into active to control the relay.
For the second output of the 2.5 you have to change the number of the relay:
Good luck.
Feedback would be nice.
Admin ich habe diesen Befehl nicht im Lexikon gefunden - kann man solche Befehle noch mit aufnehmen?
Thanks for the link. But it will be nice that function be available on device menu.
Hi! It's possible to send a command to Shelly devices to turn ON/OFF manual commands via phisical buttons?
It's possible to remotly activate or deativate the use of the physical switch?
On Shelly 2.5 and Shelly 1Pm
What´s the biggest new feature on that new relay to the old 1PM? Only the DC current too?
I don't own a Plug S but if it works the same way as 1PM then the solar production will NOT show as nevative value. My 600W solar system only shows positive values. Unfortunately there is no option in the app to declare a device as power production instead of consumer.
Thats the reason i have bought a Shelly EM
There's any info about that pmfix 2?