Beiträge von Janne Bild

    I will fix the connections properly a s a p, "Devil". :-)
    Still... my old brain is thinking - and nobody has to answer this.
    What I did yesterday to (temporarely) fix my problem and to what Devil answered (about calibration), my idea is;
    If the wires (Phase A, B and C) "feeding" the Shelly via the breakers are connected as A=correct, B=C and C=B and
    I shift the incomming contacts (B and C) from the clamps (on the Shelly) then phase B and C ought to correspond to each other on both sides of the Shelly???
    As I said: no answers are needed - I'm 69 yo and often a bit rambling like this ;-)

    That seems to have solved my problem!

    Thank you!

    I made it a bit easy for me and just shifted the clamp connections (B and C) where the are connected to the Shelly unit.
    Offcourse the correct solution would be to shift the phase wires connected to the breakers, but there is a bit of lack of space so that will be done later :-)

    Thank you again - now I can really check our expencive kWh :-)

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    I'm really sorry! I wrote earlier that we had indeed checked the assembly of the clamps - NOT :-)

    They were all turned wrong! Still, the values seem a little strange to me. (See screenshot below).

    I continue the evaluation and you are still welcome with posts!

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    Hello all 3EM friends!

    I'm a newbie when it comes to Shelly 3EM and installed it just a week ago. In fact, it was plugged in by an electrical company that did some other work in the house. I have read about negative values and misdirected clamps and just negative values are my problem (see attached screenshot). We checked and double checked and the clamps are correctly mounted.
    I have no problem with flipping the clamps, at least maybe phase A and C, but wonder how it can be that the values are displayed incorrectly?

    If I compare the electricity company's daily values, they are about twice as high compared to the Shelly.
    The only three-phase consumers that are / have been in operation, are an air / water heat pump, the stove and a flow-through water heater, and it is only connected briefly when using a washbasin far from the regular water heater.

    We do not supply any energy from any solar cells.
    The electricity meter (connection to the power grid) is located on the outside of the building and the clamps are plugged in
    before the main switch in the central inside the house.

    I am more than grateful for the help I can get!
    (The values below are quite typical).

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