Beiträge von milendimov

    Thanks both for your time and effort. I have actually simplified things a bit with the diagram. As mentioned earlier there are a few physical limitations. Let me list those:

    Step/Switch 1 - is in a casing that is shared with 3 other light switches. No space at all for Shelly to fit in, unless new bigger casing is installed. Rather not mess with it at all.

    Step/Switch 3 - has much more space. But it is on a place where would be exposed to kids rapidly turning on/off as it switches lights down the stairs , while kids would be after the light on the same floor. Assuming not a great environment for Shelly as quick on/off cycles might burn it. Does that make sense?

    That floor area would be a great candidate for Shelly / sensor integration. But that is a separate topic.

    Step/Switch 2 - rarely used, plenty of space for Shelly. But a confusing to setup, if possible at all.

    Light casing - a bit crammed for what I'd like usually, but might be able to squeeze in Shelly relay. Might be the only viable option at the end...

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks I think that is pretty much the standard setup with 2 physical switches in place. And it is a great suggestion.

    Thanks thgoebel. Sorry my diagram might be misleading. Box with SWL/L/N is actually where the light bulb(s) are connected. Which is very busy already and I'd like to avoid putting Shelly 1l in it. The easiest place to put the shelly 1l at the moment is in switch 2 (in red box on the diagram). Just wonder if Shelly 1L would work there and what ports should I use?

    Thanks for your advise SebMai, but that wouldn't that render switch 1 redundant? I'd still like all 3 switches to operate, but also have the software control as well.

    I have a bit of a 'complicated' setup and couldn't find an answer to my query yet. Hope someone can share some ideas.

    Light bulb(s) connected to 3 switches. Looking to put a Shelly 1L inside the middle ('intermediary') switch seems like the easiest route (below in red), in terms of effort and space to fit in the shelly relay.

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    As per the diagram, L1 and L2 can be live input & output depending on the situation.

    So I am basically trying to replace the physical button ('intermediary' switch in the scheme above) with a software one (Shelly app), while still allowing all physical button to continue operating as usual. Which I think (hope?) is possible.

    Still cannot figure out what Shelly ports should I connect 2 in and 2 out wires and what mode should I set the ports to.

