Beiträge von John Stewart

    You can start by looking at the various devices in the Shelly store and reading the product descriptions tom familiarize yourself with the hardware.

    Once you have done that, look at some of the threads here and YouTube videos on implementation to get an idea of what your goals are.

    When asking for help in designing or implementing something it is a good idea to state what country you are in. Also, you mentioned renewal, does that include a complete rewire?

    Depending on your requirements, some of the new Shelly features permit you to be independent of the cloud, and even local wifi.

    Good luck with your project.

    Here are my suggestions to insure a safe, successful installation.

    Have proper tools available. Especially while learning.

    1. A GOOD wire stripper. Makes it easier strip proper amount and not nick conductor.
    2. A Non Contact Voltage tester. These are very useful in determining which wire is supplying power safely.

    3. An inexpensive Digital Multimeter. Ability to measure voltage and continuity.

    4 Good screwdrivers of correct size. Especially important with the screws on Shellys

    Before you put something in the wall or ceiling, connect it and configure it on your workbench, or kitchen table. That may require you to purchase some wire, switches and boxes. Doing this will increase your chances of success by 100%

    F.A.I.L. - First Attempt In Learning

    if you are using stranded lamp cord you can twist them, and just push in.

    Things to watch out for:
    1. makes sure there are no stray strands that can short out.
    2. take your time routing the wires in the housing.
    3. Make sure you follow the correct wiring diagram for the Shelly you are using. terminals different on Shelly 1 and Shelly 1 PM.
    4. Last, and pretty important. Shelly 1 no longer provides a "dry" contact when installed in a Button.

    I have a Shelly 1 installed in a Button, and I control it with a Button!.

    I have configured several Shelly Button 1 devices, and I am now pretty happy with them.

    Here are some steps i have taken,

    1. unpackage and plug into USB power. Leave plugged in until all configuration is complete.

    2. Configure from browser by connecting to shelly AP and then This is documented with the paperwork in the box.

    3. I use static IP, not DHCP reserved. Even with reserved, a device will need to renew its lease, I keep a simple spreadsheet for that. ***
    4. While it is still plugged in to USB power, I do my Home Assistant configurations and build my automations.

    5. I also use buttons with Shelly DDD. I set that up too.
    6. Once that is set, I go ahead and unplug. I have a couple that have been working perfectly for months.

    I do not have the Buttons added to the APP, since I prefer local.

    *** For more information on how DHCP is supposed to work , look up RFC 2131.

    As mentioned by thgoebel, the Shelly 1 or Plus 1 is a better. When lights flicker, or make noise they are telling you they are unhappy. best to put it back, and start over.

    A very useful tool that can be used to determine how three way switches are wired is a Non Contact Voltage Tester.

    The person that did this blog spent a great deal of time documenting US three way wiring. take your time and look at it:

    Also, here is a picture of my switch install

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    I'd like to use a momentary rocker switch where up always turns on the lights and down always turns off the lights. This would allow a Shelly relay to change the state through an automation, but when a user wants to turn on or off the lights, up or down is always standard.

    Is there a switch type that people can recommend for this type of application for the US market?


    5685-2W (