Beiträge von Diniska

    Have you already opened a feature request with Allterco?

    Yes, I already made the request and their response was this:


    -A small suggestion, for a technician like me, information is sorely lacking (warning) when the device is OFFLINE.



    - Yes, thank you! We know about this feature and have plans to enable it on the Shelly App.

    Should you need further assistant, please, do not hesitate to contact us!


    Olá a todos

    Procurei um pouco no fórum e encontrei pedidos semelhantes. Mas ou eles nunca foram finalmente resolvidos após algumas sugestões/críticas, ou eram componentes um pouco diferentes e, portanto, deixaram as perguntas em aberto ou eram simplesmente tão antigas que o fórum sugeriu abrir um novo tópico.

    Um projeto que fiz com válvulas solenoides sempre pode te dar algumas ideias.

    Shelly RGBW + válvula solenoide 24vAC

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    Shelly RGBW + válvula solenoide 24vDC

    (Aplicar diodo neste esquema)

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    A importância de um Diodo em uma válvula solenoide ou em um relé é AC ou DC, quando alimentado por DC.

    Quando removemos a energia elétrica da bobina/válvula solenoide do relé, as linhas de força do campo magnético estão em seu estado de expansão máxima e começam a se contrair, as voltas da bobina do relé em si são cortadas, então há a indução de uma tensão . Esta tensão tem polaridade oposta à que criou o campo e pode atingir valores muito altos.

    Dessa forma, o ideal é colocar um diodo simples nos terminais da bobina para polarizá-lo, desta forma quando há indução e picos de tensão o diodo "absorve" essa energia.

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    A notification in a local working automatisation makes sense for me.

    But notifications caused on internet-error, cloud problems or app problems? I do not need . ;)

    (just my personal opinion)

    I understand and accept your opinion, when we have devices inside our house and if something happens, such as the internet goes down, we are responsible for the damages caused.

    Now let me give you an example, what happens to me and I'm terrified if my device loses Internet. (I have already turned the problem around, SHELLY DELAY FOR HTTP)

    Garage door of a building that has 40 cars, in which some leave at dawn, and want to leave and the door does not open (because I have several programmed functions and timings depending on the time of day) the first information we need, is to know if the device is Online or Offline.

    So, in my opinion, this warning is needed. ;)

    Well, I also wanted to know, I've looked here on the forum and on the NET and haven't found an answer.

    Any Tuya device does this (notifications when device goes offline), at least mine do, although it rarely happens, but when it does it helps a lot to reset and detect the malfunction.

    It should be one of the main (almost mandatory) requirements of the Shellys.

    I hope that one day developers will think about it.

    Smart Life (Tuya)

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    Methods of communication of the Shellys with each other.

    Option 1

    I found that version "20220209-094909/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d" on Shelly i3 has a bug in "WIFI CLIENT BACKUP".

    Orders given on any "Actions-BUTTON_URL" when "WIFI CLIENT BACKUP" is in service (because "WIFI MODE - CLIENT" is Offline) are not executed.

    I did some tests with other firmwares and the only one that I managed to execute the intended orders was the v1.11.5 version.…

    When "WIFI CLIENT BACKUP" is active, Shelly i3 is "OFFLINE" in "Internet & Security-CLOUD" with version v1.11.5, which in my case, makes no difference, because it complies with what was intended (sending orders through "BUTTON_URL" for shelly2.5).

    After a lot of banging my head on the wall, because help here on the forum is null, maybe due to lack of knowledge, I came to the following conclusion:

    In the Browser only the following order works:

    - https://<your shelly cloud server><your device id>&auth_key=<your cloud authorization key


    All others I get the same answer.

    {"isok":false,"errors":{"wrong_channel":"Could not control this relay channel!"}}

    I found that if I use the following HTTP Shortcuts.App (, everything works perfectly.

    My problem was solved, but it could have saved a lot of time if I had this information from the developers.

    "On the PC Browser these orders do not work."

    For those interested who have the same problem as me and also have a Motorline EVO equipment.

    Small Introduction

    In my building I have a sectional gate, in which my neighbors treat the engine and springs badly with the constant opening and closing of the gate (more people pass than cars unnecessarily). The administration of the building asked me for a solution to have more control over it, more time open and, if necessary, temporarily block it, open or closed.

    It makes the solution more difficult because I don't have internet nearby.


    -Motorline EVO equipment only leaves the gate open for 90 seconds, and the intended one is 300 seconds, and then it closes automatically.

    -Block the gate (Open or Closed) for 900 seconds.

    -When the gate is closing, disable the attempt to open it until the complete closing cycle is completed.


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    You must be asking, why do I have a relay?

    When the relays are energized, they heat up the Shelly 2.5, as I need an NC contact (Out2) which is mostly connected, and to avoid heating up the Shelly, I put a relay.

    Temperature with relays de-energized (See photo)

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    Temperature with relays energized (See photo)

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    Settings/Shelly 25

    LONG PUSH TIME= 500 (ms)

    Out 1/Shelly 25/Open Gate

    Timer AUTO OFF= 1 (s)


    BUTTON TYPE= Toggle Switch

    OUTPUT SWITCHED ON URL= http://localhost/relay/1?turn=off

    Out 2/Shelly 25/Lock Gate


    BUTTON TYPE= Toggle Switch / Reverse inputs

    BUTTON SWITCHED ON URL= http://localhost/relay/1?turn=on&timer=900 / http://localhost/settings/relay/0?btn_type=detached

    BUTTON SWITCHED OFF URL= http://localhost/settings/relay/0?btn_type=toggle

    Settings/Shelly i3

    LONGPUSH DURATION= Min (ms) 600 / Max (ms) 2500

    MULTIPUSH= 500 (ms)

    In1/Shelly i3/Gate is Open

    BUTTON TYPE= Toggle Switch / Reverse inputs



    In2/Shelly i3/Gate is Closed

    BUTTON TYPE= Toggle Switch / Reverse inputs


    In3/Shelly i3/Internal Switch

    BUTTON TYPE= Momentary



    Methods of communication of the Shellys with each other.

    Option 1

    Master will be Shelly 2.5, set to ACCESS POINT ( with password.

    Slave will be Shelly i3, set to WIFI MODE - CLIENT:

    -SSID: from Shelly 2.5

    -Pass: from Shelly 2.5

    Set static IP address: / IP address: / Network mask: / Gateway: / DNS:

    Turn on Shelly 2.5, wait 15 seconds, turn on Shelly i3.

    This method is not effective because Shelly 2.5's "localhost" doesn't work, everything else OK.

    Option 2

    Use a Router and link the Shellys to it.

    This method is very effective, it did not show any failure in the tests.

    This is all for those who do not have Internet close to the installation, not needing ShellyCloud. 8)

    I found the solution to my problem here, Downgrade to 1.8.3.

    There's only one problem, SW2, from Shelly 2.5, doesn't work 100%, but I can do what I wanted, without ShellyCloud.

    It was like this:





    SW2, which should stop all action when it goes ON and keep it, goes back to OFF because of this (http://localhost/relay/1?turn=on&timer=20).

    An old man said: ;)

    -Better to have a bird in your hand than two in the sky.

    To help with understanding.

    I use shelly i3 to give order to shelly 2.5.

    When input 1 of shelly i3 goes ON, it puts SW1 button of shelly 2.5 in "detached"

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    When input 1 of shelly i3 goes to OFF, it puts the SW1 button of shelly 2.5 in "toggle"

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    "This Shelly only do AUTO-OFF or AUTO-ON on same time."

    -Well I know, for that reason I asked if anyone knew of a solution.

    -On "Shelly.Cloud" it works perfectly.

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    "When i3 is ON: URL in „Button is ON…“ -> Shelly 2.5 ON with timer"

    -Here is Ok

    "When i3 is OFF: URL in „Button is OFF…“ -> Shelly 2.5 OFF with timer"

    -Here it is not possible, because the "Button is OFF" will only be off, after the "Shelly 2.5 OFF" is really off.

    "Auto OFF in both Shellys"

    -Stay in Loop

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    Efi Herman

    "I have an unconventional suggestion, use an additional SHELLY device (like SHELLY1) as a timing relay."

    -To use a "Shelly 1", I prefer to add another "Reed Switch" that works and I've already tested it.

    -This way I don't need the "ShellyCloud", avoiding any Net failure.

    -I was saving Input 2 from the i3, to turn on the garage lights, and I'm going to have to give up the lights.

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    Thank you all for the answers given, in an attempt to help me.

    I have a question?

    I don't want to use the cloud.

    "Toggle Switch" Shelly 2.5 is OFF

    Shelly I3 giving order to a Shelly 2.5

    In the "BUTTON SWITCHED ON URL" of Shelly I3's "Input 1"

    -http://(shellyIP) or (localhost)/relay/1?turn=off&timer=10

    =Put ON

    I need a delay to execute this order:

    -http://(shellyIP) or (localhost)/relay/1?turn=on&timer=60

    =Put it to OFF

    Something similar to this:

    -http://(shellyIP) or (localhost)/relay/1?turn=off&timer=10&[DELAY]turn=off

    The intention is that the "Inibir Porta" is turned off again.

    I've been banging my head against the walls for almost two weeks with this problem and I can't find a solution. ;(

    Does anyone have a solution?

    I thank.

    Video: Shelly 25 & I3

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