Beiträge von gufalcon1


    Thx to all of you.

    The 'problem' that this setting isn't available was of course not connected to the battery drainage problem, as you all rightfully stated.

    It wasn't clear to me from reading the documentation that this 'standard' setting isn't available on battery-driven devices. Maybe someone could point that out to make it clearer and avoid future misconceptions.

    As to the battery problem... I got around it and the cause was rather stupid :)

    So I turned off the LEDs, as one does.

    And then I woke them up using a pin and by pressing the button until the shelly showed a reaction (4 times... which, of course, puts it in a mode where it stays connected to the WLAN)...

    This of course would have been obviously visible when the LEDs would have been on, which they weren't... and so I didn't see this.

    By getting them out of this mode (by pressing the button again 4 times) the battery consumption now has normalized and I can barely recognize any drainage at all... been 3 weeks and they went down a few percent ...

    Thx for your help,


    The connectivity is perfect while on charger. And it's perfect while off as well. No problem there. My network submask is, so no routing there at all. It's not a connectivity issue.

    The Shellys get their IP every time without fail (it's fixed on the firewall that acts as a DHCP server).

    The problem is the battery draining.

    But the real problem is that I cannot change the setting while every documentation says I can.

    Can somebody this as a problem please.



    Hi! I have about 12 shelly motion and they're draining battery like mad. We're talking a full recharge after two weeks and it doesn't really matter how often they trigger or not.

    So I thought they have to boot up their WIFI module more often than necessary and I read about the settings/coiot_update_period field in the documentation.

    But I cannot set it. It doesn't matter what I try, it always stays the same.

    Maybe someone can help.

    Here's a sample REST-request trying to set it (tried both GET and POST with the same result of it being set to 3600)

    What is happening here and how am I the only one getting this?

    Firmware is up to date. Doesn't matter if I reset the Shelly...