Beiträge von ediazrod

    Are you sure it's not releated to your network infrastructure?
    In order to validate I'd open a wifi hotspot with a smartphone, then add one of those affected shellies to that wifi and try the update again.

    For testing I get some of the shelly with no update to my home.. And happends the same.. but.. I was reading this forum post en german ..

    27. Februar 2022 um 13:19

    Ok what we have in common the tree of us, (my customer, me and this people of the forum) ok the unifi router Wifi6 LR...

    Ok I use my phone as point of access to give internet to the Shelly and disable the wifi access from my unifi6 LR.. reboot, I see the update again I click the update and the update was successfully!!!! at list on my unit of testing...

    I need to test this workaround with my customer... but looks good.

    sorry to use english I have the same situation. with 35 shellys plus 2, I have installed 45 shelly 2 plus and only 10 upgrade to 0.10.1 the rest are on 0.10.0 beta3

    I have the same point of access Unifi6 LR... maybe I will try to use my phone as point of access and see if the issue is related to this access point..

    The shelly work great, but there is no option to change the 35 shelly.. :-(.

    from this


    It seems that this particular device sees that there is an update. What happens if you try with this particular device to initiate an update from it's own embedded web interface? Does it fail?

    This happen on the 95% of the shelly 2PM installed,, no update (some of then update ok) but a minor ... The web interface show as update Ok but after of waiting 5 minutes no update..

    I get some of the shelly 2 pm reset , and conect using a cable a very near point of access.. 2 meters, I connect to the wifi, check if go to the cloud, ok, but no update....

    {"code":-114,"message":"Resource unavailable: No update info!"}

    This is the result..

    show to the cloud as connected.


    {"ble":{},"cloud":{"connected":true},"cover:0":{"id":0, "source":"init", "state":"stopped","apower":0.0,"voltage":239.6,"current":0.000,"pf":0.00,"aenergy":{"total":0.000,"by_minute":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"minute_ts":1648886511},"temperature":{"tC":37.1, "tF":98.8},"pos_control":true,"current_pos":null},"input:0":{"id":0,"state":false},"input:1":{"id":1,"state":false},"mqtt":{"connected":false},"sys":{"mac":"A8032AB6XXXX","restart_required":false,"time":"10:01","unixtime":1648886511,"uptime":196,"ram_size":237844,"ram_free":131092,"fs_size":458752,"fs_free":221184,"cfg_rev":20,"available_updates":{"stable":{"version":"0.10.1"}}},"wifi":{"sta_ip":"","status":"got ip","ssid":"XXXXXXXX","rssi":-55}}
    {"ble":{"enable":false},"cloud":{"enable":true,"server":""},"cover:0":{"id":0, "name":"Sotano.Hall.XXXXXX", "motor":{"idle_power_thr":2.00},"maxtime_open":60.00, "maxtime_close":60.00, "initial_state":"stopped", "invert_directions":false,"in_mode":"dual","swap_inputs":false, "safety_switch":{"enable":false, "direction":"both", "action":"stop","allowed_move":null},"power_limit":2800,"voltage_limit":280,"current_limit":10.00,"obstruction_detection":{"enable":false, "direction":"both", "action":"stop", "power_thr":155, "holdoff":1.00}},"input:0":{"id":0, "name":null, "type":"switch", "invert":false,"factory_reset":true},"input:1":{"id":1, "name":null, "type":"switch", "invert":false,"factory_reset":true},"mqtt":{"enable":false,"server":null,"user":null,"topic_prefix":"shellyplus2pm-a8032abXXXX","rpc_ntf":true,"status_ntf":false},"sys":{"device":{"name":"Sotano.Hall.XXXXXX","mac":"A8032ABXXXX","fw_id":"20220214-154302/0.10.0-beta3-gd36941f","eco_mode":false,"profile":"cover"},"location":{"tz":"Europe/XXXXXX","lat":40.XXXXXX,"lon":-3.XXXXXX},"debug":{"mqtt":{"enable":false},"websocket":{"enable":false},"udp":{"addr":null}},"ui_data":{},"rpc_udp":{"dst_addr":null,"listen_port":null},"sntp":{"server":""},"cfg_rev":20},"wifi":{"ap":{"ssid":"ShellyPlus2PM-A8032AB6XXXX","is_open":true, "enable":false},"sta":{"ssid":"XXXXXXXX","is_open":false, "enable":true, "ipv4mode":"dhcp","ip":null,"netmask":null,"gw":null,"nameserver":null},"sta1":{"ssid":null,"is_open":true, "enable":false, "ipv4mode":"dhcp","ip":null,"netmask":null,"gw":null,"nameserver":null},"roam":{"rssi_thr":-80,"interval":60}}}[/