Beiträge von eporocrail

    I managed to solve the problem

    The topic to publish the command to should read:

    "shellies/appliance id/relay/0/command"

    The commands are: on, off or toggle


    mqttClient.publish("shellies/fan/relay/0/command", 0, true, "toggle");

    mqttClient.publish("shellies/fan/relay/0/command", 0, true, "on");

    mqttClient.publish("shellies/fan/relay/0/command", 0, true, "off");

    I am trying to control my shelly plug S via MQTT.

    I use Mqtt explorer to see if the messages arrive correctly.

    The shelly is reporting its state correctly.

    When I sent a message with the same topic and content no reaction is observed. The plug does not switch on or off.

    How can I get the plug to react?

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