Beiträge von Kolo Kolo

    This script is my version of the official script from here: ALLTERCO.

    It doesn't really do a real PING. It tries to simply GET a resource from the provided endpoints. If your router has, for example WEB login page then it is probably possible to add/replace provided endpoints with your own addresses. It must make a response with 200 code.

    shelly_http.cpp:71 0x3ffd709c HTTP got 200 OK and 672 byte response

    I have checked and it looks like it may work. My router's login page address inside my LAN is:

    endpoints: [


    at first I wanted to say, I'm not a coder by any means ;) (this is double of this post Shelly watchdog - restart), but maybe here is more suitable place for it.

    So my goal is to have a script which checks if a Shelly is able to reach the Internet and if not, Shelly should be restarted. Sometimes a few Shellies lose their connection and the only way to reconnect is to restart a Shelly itself.

    I have tried to modify existing script and my outcome looks like:

    I have checked and it looks like the script works. Maybe someone could check/advise if it is ok. Maybe some improvement could be made.

    Thanks in advance.


    at first I wanted to say, I'm not a coder by any means ;)

    So my goal is to have a script which checks if a Shelly is able to reach the Internet and if not, Shelly should be restarted.

    I have tried to modify existing script and my outcome looks like:

    I have checked and it looks like the script works. Maybe someone could check/advise if it is ok. Maybe some improvement could be made.

    Thanks in advance.


    so normally connection diagrams show that we connect L to L, N to N and L to I. Then when we have L on SW relay is closed and there is voltage from mentioned I(input) to O(output).

    I would like to have voltage on I at the same time when it appears on SW, so I has voltage only when SW(switch) is on and then and only then from mentioned I(input) to O(output). I know it wouldn't be possible to use for example command from Home assistant but are there any drawbacks of this solution?

    Ok, so I have asked about a relay in question but also about similar relay from a different company - model PP-1P-230V LINK.

    They confirmed PP-1P-230V output side can be on different phase than control side. I suspect it is also the case with PEP-01/230 but lets wait for their help desk's answer.

    So assuming it is ok to do this like I would like to, is there any difference if I have used Shelly 1PM

    instead of Shelly 1?

    Yes I can see your point.

    It is probably designed to be used with the same phase for source/input for AC current.

    Manual says source/control side can be DC and output AC. I think I can try ask the manufacturer of this relay if my scenario is acceptable.

    I have done some changes to my "design". Please find the attached drawing.

    The idea is that phase L1/N1 and L2/N2 are on different RCD's and they are different phases from mains.

    So maybe I could use an additional relay which can do galvanic isolation of source and output. So I would like to monitor presence of phase L2. When phase L2 is present, then PEP-01/230 relay is on, connection is between 11 and 14 and there is no input on SW of Shelly.

    When phase L2 is out, then PEP-01/230 relay is off, connection is between 11 and 12 and there is an input on SW of Shelly(then I can have a notification in Home Assistant.).

    Does it make any sense?

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