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Just a quick question: You drafted two live and neutral wires from mains supply! Are the two live wires both on the same phase? Do you have a 1-phase, 2-phase or 3-phase network at your premises?
I have 1-phase network, so it should be all fine. Well, what should be the problem then? If I remove 1 Shelly and connect one pump to consumer unit without Shelly in between, other Shelly is working correctly on SW switch and again, consumer unit power consumption on second channel is back to 10W - 50W.
Many thanks for your feedback! Hope you’ve isolated the resistor very carefully?
Well, this topic is still not closed. I reported that everything works perfectly with additional resistor of 820kOhm on SW pin and connected to control one water pump from consumer unit. However, I have two water pumps and I connected additional Shelly 1PM on other water pump (now I have 2 Shellys and 2 water pumps) in same way with 820kOhm resistor and suddenly switching from consumer unit through Shelly is not working again on both device.
Also, my consumer unit has two channels for power consumption and usually one is cca. 3000W and other is 10-50W. Now, with 2 Shellys and 2 resistors of 820kOhm, second power reading is 0W instead of 10-50W.
Can it be the case that I need to connect different resistor values if I am using 2 Shellys? Maybe double less, cca. 300-400kOhms for each Shelly?
No, I never enabled this option on all my Shelly devices. I have issue only on this one. I also changed the antenna on this device with older Shelly 1PM device which had strong signal but it didn't help.
Did you notice that you cannot enter negative offset within Shelly Android app? The workaround is to enter it via real keyboard on my PC via browser connected to Shelly IP but what is situation on your side? Maybe to implement different keyboard behavior in next app release?
I installed two Shelly 1PM devices one next to the other with WiFi repeater in the same room (only 2 meters from Shellys). I also have Shelly EM devices. On all devices I have strong signal, cca. -45dBm but only on Shelly 1PM it is weak with -75dBm. Remember it is right next to another Shelly 1PM with -45dBm. What is happening? Is antenna in this Shelly broken or? Please, advise.
Many thanks for your feedback! Hope you’ve isolated the resistor very carefully?
Yes, it is not exposed directly. I isolated the resistor with thermotape which shrinks on high temperatures. Of course, my solder job is not perfect, so I have spikes in my solder and I hope it will not break thin isolation.
The reason is Shelly SW input is activated both with neutral AND live potential! Please let an app translate the link given in post #4 to get more and better details.
Just to inform you that today I bought and I soldered one 820kOhm resistor between heat pump switch and SW on Shelly 1PM, I configured that switch (button type) is Momentary and I checked "Reverse inputs" and it works like a charm. When I turn off heat pump, also water pump connected with Shelly 1PM is turned off. Thanks for your suggestion although I am still not 100% clear why this is the case.
I have Shelly EM with two clamps: 50A and 120A. I noticed when there is no load, everything is idle, 120A clamp is showing 0W as it should but 50A clamp is showing between -1,8W and -1,3W constantly changing this number. It should also shows 0W because electrical device is not turned on.
Can somebody explain and advise me how to recalibrate/offset?
Quick question: is Shelly Plus 1PM compatible with temperature sensor addon. I am using them on my Shelly 1PM and if I want to change it for Shelly Plus 1PM, is it possible to connect temperature sensor addon to Shelly Plus 1PM?
Searching the net I am finding information that temperature addon is compatible with Shelly 1 and Shelly 1PM but Shelly Plus 1/1PM are new products, so maybe this information is not really correct.
Thanks, that's great. So options are to use resistor on SW or relay between consumer unit and Shelly?
But please, if you can explain more in details, why it is working when I test with real switch and it is not working with consumer unit motherboard switch? Principle is the same: voltage exists on SW or not. Or maybe Shelly is too sensitive and don't react somehow on consumer unit switch?
And relay will react on consumer unit switch?
I would like to know electrical reason behind and thank you in advance for detailed explanation. I translated the post about resistor that you linked and connection is clear but I didn't understand reasonings behind. Please explain, I will greatly appreciate it.
Update: if I connect real switch on SW pin instead of consumer unit switch, it is working correctly. When real switch is off, water pump is off. I don't have a clue why it is not working when I connect consumer unit switch on SW pin. Any ideas?
Basically, I want that my Shelly 1PM is always ON (because it is also measuring temperature via temperature add-on) and to activate "O" only (water pump is connected to "O") when my consumer unit gives signal (voltage) which is connected to SW. Or vice versa, when there is no voltage/signal on SW from my consumer unit, this triggers pump tu turn off on "O" connector. Is this even possible?
Basically, I connected switch and Shelly 1PM as in this video:
Thanks. The problem is that I don't have classic switch with two wires which need to be connected to SW and L. Meaning, my heat pump (as power source) has "switch" inside it and I connected live line (brown wire) from heat pump switch to SW terminal on Shelly. Water pump is connected to Shelly "O" and L1 to line and N to neutral. L connector on Shelly is not connected.
So, when heat pump is disconnected, there is no voltage on SW connector but water pump is still running (until I put it off via application) and all connectors ("O" and L1) have voltage.
I supposed that Shelly 1PM can be turned off or on dependent on voltage on SW connector with scenes. There is scene "when input state is off", so I assumed it is connected with SW connector.
I am not sure how to have old on-off functionality and to measure power on my water pump or is it even possible?
Scene "when input state is off" is for what? When this condition is met?
Is there a possibility or create a scene which will turn off Shelly 1PM device (and as consequence turn off water pump connected to Shelly 1PM) when voltage on SW connector is 0? And vice versa, when Shelly 1PM detects voltage on SW connector, to turn on Shelly and turn on connected water pump?
Reason is because I can only turn on or off pump with Shelly Cloud app but I need also that pump is turned off when my heat pump (Daikin Altherma 3) is turned off (as it worked before Shelly 1PM installation).
I have simple setup with Shelly 1PM and temperature add-on to measure leaving water temperature for floor heating. Everything works perfectly, temperature is presented in real time within Shelly Cloud android application but history and graph below are in 1-hour resolution. Meaning if on 14:05h temperature is 31C and in 14:55h is 25,5C and in 15:00h is 34C, graph will show only 34C. 31C and 25,5C will not be visible on graph at all and it will not be visible in downloaded CSV file. This is not acceptable for me.
Is there any setting and how to achieve that temperature (with history) is visible maximum on 1 minute basis?