Thanks for the clarification! Obviously, the DAIKIN Altherma is enigmatic… Do you have a link to an manual? It could help to get some information about this machine…
I uploaded user manual to my Dropbox:…2bYaL9odna?dl=0
Pumps are connected to PCB which is purchased separately and it is called A4P in manual or EKRP1HB. I don't think it will help to understand such strange behavior of Shellys.
Inside Daikin, my both water pumps "L" are connected to Y2 on A4P and "N" and "GROUND" are commonly connected to "N" and "G" on network. Strange is that I see from Daikin manual that "N" of pumps should be connected to pin 7 on X2M but I believe that Daikin experts connected my water pumps correctly.
Also, on YC terminal on A4P I have connected directly "L" and not through pin 9 on X2M like it is in manual. Again, I believe that Daikin experts connected it correctly.
At the end, I am not sure that chapter "space cooling/heating ON/OFF output" in user manual refers to connection of water pumps but I know where my water pumps are connected inside Daikin. Hmmmm...