Just to provide some feedback.
The suggested "Stromzange" clamp mentioned in one of my threads above didin´t worked. As Mr. Goebel has replied
Just to provide some feedback.
The suggested "Stromzange" clamp mentioned in one of my threads above didin´t worked. As Mr. Goebel has replied
Alright, I'll give it up then,
Tx for your patience and comments
Tx for your investigation, really much aprecuated.
My question was in a bit wider sence. Let´s try it again a last time :
Any idea how to get DC measure with any other SHELLY device type or additional hardware to be connected to a SHELLY ?
I think SHELLY PM is able to measure DC when in 24V mode for example. Just an idea.
wasn't aware about the internal schematics.
Still tryiing to find a way to get this working measuring DC loads from solar panels.
I can not believe Sandro and I'm the only two guys with such a requirement.
Specially for older Solar Panles systems and or some special solar panel usecase this could be helpful at all.
Any other idea how to get this solved then?
Adding some DC current measurement stuff from AZ DELIVERY or REICHELT maybe?
More then happy to get any ideas being shared
Additional question or remark on here, cause I believe this is may of interest for others as well
sure looks like the provided clamps can only work with AC current due to a missing Hall Sensor inside.
Anyway, why not attaching a clamp which is able to read DC current like some of these?
As the DC Meassure out values are same, it should work, or?
Its not a cheap solution but should work.............
I will ask Official Support at Shelly also if this is a work around.