Beiträge von Pierce Maher
The mack address of the 1PM ends in 38 and the 2PM ends in BC
Neither or are on my network and I cannot log on to them
I have connected the Shelly 1PM with a fixed IP ending in 210 to 2PM with a fixed IP ending in 85
When the 1PM connects it reboots and changes its IP address
How do I reconnect to the 1PM without doing a factory reset
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I have 2 Shelly units Plus 1PM and Plus 2PM both are running the latest firmware.
I want 1PM to use the 2PM as an Access Point I have enabled it on the 2PM and given it a password.
I configure the 1PM to connect to the 2PM Access point using a web browser on a PC
it does not connect and I am not able to reconnect to the 1PM with the PC or with the app on a phone.
I have to do a factory reset to be able to connect again to the 1PM.
I have tried to connect using the app on a phone and it also doesn't work
Any Ideas
Under Local Actions the Shelly documentation
Since v1.7.0 Shelly devices support "local" action URLs.
This allows devices to invoke actions not only on other devices,
but on themselves as well. To execute a local action, the action
URL should be set with a prefix
.For example, to make relay 1 turn on when relay 0 is turned on:
They give this example
I also read in one of the forums that you could combine Webhook's
Unfortunately the above example does not work
Is it possible to join webhook's together
Is there a limit
do you have an example
Many thanks
unfortunately my skill level is not up to using it
I use Webbook to switch on and off devices and also to turn on and off Schedules
If you want to get the ID of each schedule on a device enter the following in to your web browser
you should get a reply like this
{"jobs":[], "rev":0}
0 is the schedule number
To turn the schedule on
and off
I use a Shelly I4 dc connected to my alarm panel using the alarm panel to supply the DC power
so when the output goes high I can turn on and off Shelly devices and Schedules
This works Reliably
Can anyone help me with this please
I am currently testing using Firmware Version 1.2.8
I have moved the Wall Displays and actuators to a separate Vlan
Still having major problems with Wall Displays and actuators going off line
Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen. on the wall display it show's the actuator off line (when it is online) and without doing a full factory reset and re installing there is no way to get it working again.
At this stage I don't believe it is possible to get these Wall Displays to work and stay working.
We need confirmation on when we will receive new firmware that works because at present these units don't work reliably and are not fit for purpose.
I need help in creating a script which will do the following
I have 4 shelly 1PM units called A, B , C , D.
If B, C or D, Turn On turn A on.
If any one of B,C or D turn off and one of B,C,D are on dont turn A Off
If any one of B,C or D turn off and B, C or D are not On turn A Off
I made progress had 5 Wall Displays and actuators working.
Then ran into a problem where the wall display said the actuators were offline.
when they were not
Then had several of the Wall Displays going off line.
I am away for 10 days and will pick up on this when I return
Set Up a Thermostat
Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen. Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen. Select the Sensor
Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen. Select The Actuator
Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen. Save The Actuator
Go back in to the Thermostat setup you will see that the Actuator which has
been save is 171-2 when it should be 171-1.
No matter how many times I factory reset the Wall display and the 2PM
it always set the actuators to the 1st address on the 2PM
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I purchased one Wall Display unit and after testing purchased several units for a project we are working on. We originally proposed to have these units control several shelly units using Webhook
Commands after a lot of testing we discovered that using the wall display units to send Webhook commands didn’t and we provided support with detailed logs. They suggested that we update The Shelly 2pm which were receiving the Webhook commands to the latest software which didn’t fix the problem.
Following a user suggestion we set up One Wall Unit as a thermostat, select the temp sensor to use, then select the actuator.
This worked for the first unit so we started to program all 8 wall units to control 4 2PM units as actuators.
We ran in to further trouble some units worked and some didn’t after many hours of configuring and changing we established that the Wall Units could only address the 0 channel on the 2PM and if it was configured to control channel 1 it controlled channel 0.
It is now odious that the Firmware for these Wall Units is not fit for purpose has not been tested correctly and has multiple errors.
When do Shelly propose to have usable Firmware available for these Wall Units.
I have several Wall Displays which I have set up as Thermostats and have configured
it to send a Webhook command to tur on and off another shelly unit.
I can not get this to work reliably.
Does any other user have a Wall display that can turn on and off another shelly unit using Webhook
Wall Display set up as Thermostat
Firmware 1.2.5
I have a moterised valve which is controled by Shelly 2PM
Action 1 Tempriture Change (Measurment)
Then Send http://192.168.1.XXX/relay/0?turn=on
Action 2 Tempriture Change (Measurment)
Then Send http://192.168.1.XXX/relay/0?turn=off
the Shelly 2pm does not open or clos the Moterised valve.
If I Use a web brouser and send http://192.168.1.XXX/relay/0?turn=on
it does turn the valve on and off ok
Webhook does not apear to be working correctly with the wall display
Yes I see this now it is turning on the relay and sending the Hit Url
If you are adding the Wall Display Thermostat to a room is the procedure different than when adding a standard thermostat
Open Room Highlight Thermostat, add Thermostat, give it a name, select room, Choose thermostat type, Select device (Wall Display), Choose sensor the sensor in the wall display it not an option you can select.
Alternative Open Wall display web interface, Select Temperature, Actions, Event Temperature in Celsius Change (Threshold Condition) Les Than 22 degrees, Then Control output on, Hit Url
When Temperature goes above or below set amount it doesn't hit the Url A small red line is visible see attached pictures fromweb interface.
it does not control the onboards relay
Which Is the correct way to set this Wall Display to work as a thermostat
I have tried Firmware 1.2.4 and Beta 1.2.5 both give the same results.
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If a unit is "Detached" will HTTP requests be disabled
I would like to be able to Suspend a shelly unit by sending it a command to Suspend switching and also a command to resume switching.
Can this be done