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    Thank you. I believe this one matches.

    The problem as I see it is that I have four lights in series all around the outside of the house. Can i just connect that load in any one of those lights, or does it need to be connected so that it goes past all lights and is connected before the first one and back after the last one?

    If it needs to be connected to bypass all lights, that's going to be one long wire. Or do I just need to make sure the lights total load is above 20W and then I dont need it at all? I think they are all 6W each so total will be 6W x 4 = 24W.

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    I found Shelly through a friend and really want to start using it, but I don't know if I can in my house. I've looked at the tutorials and they all seem to require more than I think I have available in my light switches.

    I have 4 outdoor lights controlled through one wall switch. I would love for this to be controlled by Shelly.

    The light switch just has two wires. There is no Neutral, and I don't quite understand how I would connect the 1L load to this (I have looked at the video).

    Could someone (if its possible) show me a simple drawing of how I connect this?

    I plan on getting an electrician out here soon but would be nice to know that it can work here before I buy and to show him how it needs to be connected if he does not know.

    Thank you.

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