Beiträge von Oezdemir

    I tried a couple more but was not successful with ds9.

    The plugin was not visible but something remains…

    indeed i needed to delete the corresponding files with os commands.

    with the NG plugin it was running at least reliable.

    I changed to Home Assistant. The Shelly plus PM2 are now integrated into Homekit.

    You need to upgrade your firmware to the newest one. It will not work with eg. 0.14.1.

    It needs a little bit more investigation but it runs now for a week without any problems.


    thanks, i tried the shelly ds9 plugin.

    unfortunately without success with the plus 2pm. indeed the homebridge on my rasp 4 was crashing all the time.

    then i thought i’ll give another try…

    i solved the problem with downgrading to firmware 0.14.1.

    the zip directly was somehow not working but using the address directly as link to a web server was working.

    now i have integrated the covers into Homekit.

    please find here the link to the downgrade: Downgradelinks zu 0.14.X

    the weblink you need for the plus 2pm:…M/

    i’m going to try home assistant - sure. i feel that homebridge on the rasp 4 is a little bit lacking in performance.

    thanks again.



    i wanted to downgrade one of my shelly plus2pm to 0.10.0 back again.

    I‘m not able to find this version.

    i did an update to 1.1.0 and now the integration to HomeKit via HomeBridge is not working anymore.

