Beiträge von maxpa

    I see that there is a continuous update of the cloud and IOS App, but the bug of the energy panel exist.

    Looking at my situation, the Total Real Time Energy is in the green square and is the sum of Casa + Cantina.

    In the Energy By Appliance Type, Lighting is completely wrong and is the sum of the red square below.

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    I work with scenes but if everything is the same and only firmware changed, I suppose that the problem is the blu motion.

    I use to have the motion led ON to understand when the device see me. Before the firmware update motion was able to see me immediately and when I was also 6-7 meters far. Now, sometimes, it see me when I was 2 meter from the sensor.

    Yesterday I updated my blu motion and blu door/windows to the latest release 1.0.13.

    I expeted a better response in term of motion but now they takes sometimes second to turn on the light.

    I don’t know how the Shelly developer measured 100ms of time to detect motion.

    I know that people from my point of view this sensor are a nightmare and waste of money.

    My network work properly with the other devices and also my Fritz is OK

    I saw this morning with the new release 3.57.29 of the app, that in the energy panel all the devices per type are not available.

    From the other side, I understood that what is described as Lighting is the total ammount of the two clamp connected to the Shelly EM. Really, one of the two clamp is escluded from the total room consumption so, from my point of view, it is not correct to sum the consumption of the two clamp in the same voice.

    Considering that one clamp is connected to the main switch of my house, the total consumption can't be over the main switch.

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    @ thgoebe,

    this is usually what I do but you know, sometimes what I write is clear for me but could be not clear for the others, that's my doubt.

    By the way, solution I proposed is for my purpose or when you need to have light ON for a while.

    Probably in a bathroom it is not a good idea to have a light that turn OFF if no motion is detected.

    I think that the right solution could be:

    First: a scene that use only the motion and if motion is detected, turn on the light for "timer"

    Second: a scene where if motion is not detected, turn off the light

    Third: a scene that if output change to On, turn OFF after "timer".


    I have three BLU motion to control light and at the begin I had the same problem.

    Reason because the light turn on instead you switched off it by the manual switch is because if the BLU detect you when just before you go out from the bathroom, when the BLU is not in the Blind Time frame, it keep the motion active for the time needed to reach again the blind time. So, when you turn off the light manually, the BLU turn ON it again because it has the motion still active.

    I had the same problem but now I solved it in this way.

    First: I created a scene using only the motion so, if motion is detected, turn on the light.

    Second: I created a scene where if motion is not detected, turn off the light

    Whit this two scenes, you don't have timer but light is ON for all the time the BLU detect motion.

    To use the manual switch I created a scene where if the output of the device (1PM, 2PM ...) change to ON, disable scenes First and Second.

    Then, I created another scene where if the output change to OFF, enable scenes First and Second

    Hope my English and my explanation are clear.


    Below some errors where translation in Italian in wrong and doesn't fit the field because, in the example, if I choice English it is OK

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    but if I change to Italian, the translation is wrong (ON = ACCESO) but as you can see, SPENTO doesn't fit the button.

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    Other issue regards the widget on the dashboard. If you add a widget for a device with the add-on, in case of Temp, you can't see it.

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    Can someone explain how the energy panel collect data?

    As you can see, lighting is over the total consumption and I have no device classified as Lighting. Any explanation?

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