Beiträge von Georg64

    Für alle mit ähnlichem Problem, hier die (sehr schnelle) Antwort vom Shelly-Supportteam:

    Wir Arbeiten bereits mit Hochdruck an der Lösung des von Ihnen genannten Problems, sobald wir weitere Informationen erhalten teilen wir Ihnen dies umgehend mit.

    Sollten Sie weitere Unterstützung benötigen, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns erneut zu kontaktieren.

    In der Zwischenzeit, deaktivieren Sie die Authentifizierung und starten Sie Ihr Gerät neu, anschließen können Sie die Authentifizierung wieder aktivieren. Dies funktioniert aber nur bis zum nächsten Neustart!

    ich habe ein Script auf meinem Shelly PlugS laufen. Jetzt ist mir aufgefallen, dass die print() Befehle zur Statuskontrolle nicht mehr in der Konsole angezeigt werden.
    Auch wenn ich zB print("hallo") direkt in die Konsole schreibe wird nichts angezeigt. Das Script funktioniert und läuft ohne Probleme.

    Habe verschiedene Browser probiert mit dem selben Ergebnis.

    Hat jemand eine Ahnung, woran das liegen könnte?

    Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße,

    Thank you so much to all off you for you input and support. It feels very inspiring.

    I ended up experimenting and coding half of the night and am quite pleased with my first piece of Java Script code.

    Thank you @Hiegeix7 for the first inspiration, I found some example code in the Shelly library which was designed to check if a router is online using HTTP GET and changed it for Home Assistant. It checks if the Lovelance Webserver is reachable and switches the PlugS off and on after some failed attempts.

    It's even a bit smarter now and also checks if the Shelly itself has a network connection, turns of the Raspberry completely if a certain amount of reboots fail and sends status messages to our office Slack channel. Amazing what you can do with this little switch.

    I know checking the web server is not the best approach, but should work for the moment. My biggest issue with crashes are at boot sometimes and I already spent way to much time to find out whats going on. For those who do not know, HassOS is an extreme barebone OS just for Home Assistant. Access is just with its build in Webserver from another computer and you can't run any other software or Os in parallel. At least not on the version we are using.
    The initial challenge with the system was, that it just randomly stopped working after some days, sometimes weeks. Fix was easy with an automated reboot every night. Now it randomly stops in the middle of a boot or doesn't boot at all every 20-30 days, sometimes some days in a row.
    Doesn's sound much, but for sure it happens Sunday morning when guests need to enter the office.

    @Hummelchen I know so very well when you say its a living system. When you find a workaround for failing SD cards you need to find a other one for unreliable SSD boot. It's quite a journey.

    @Hummelchen By the way I love your heartbeat approach. I will for sure have a closer look and might implement it. Very elegant.

    @ostfrise big thank to you too. You are absolutely right, shutting the raspberry down with a shutdown command would be way better. SSH to HassOs is a bit complicated and I would guess it stops working when the system is down. But I might be mistaken here and happy to learn some new tricks

    Hallo everyone,
    I'm very new to Shelly and also to scripting.

    I have got Home Assistant running on a Raspery Pi in my office and sometimes it crashes. To be able to turn the Raspberry of and on from home when it happens I got a Shelly PlugS. works like a charm with the interface and also with webhooks.

    The vision would be to have a script that checks if HassOS is up and running and if not to turn itself off and on again to restart the home automation.

    Does anyone know a simple way how to accomplish that? Maybe by checking the webinterface? I did quite some research but can't figure it out myself. Raspberry and PlugS are in the same network.

    Thanks a lot in advance,