Beiträge von elifqaoui

    Très probablement, certains condensateurs électrolytiques se sont asséchés au fil des années :

    15. April 2022 um 10:34

    I guess i need to replace it (there's a small noise).

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    I have a several shelly2.5 for the rollers-sutters, but i had a issue with one item, every time it lost connect to wifi. after power off and reset it again, it appear and i connect it again, but few days after it happen another time.

    this last time, i couldn't connect it to app, after reset, i can see it in my wifi list (phone), but discovering in the app by wifi cannot find it. I've check on my Router and it's not connected. tried several time by powering off and reset without result;

    What did i miss ? or is there any other solution can i tried to fix it.

    Best regards


    I bought 8 shelly 2.5 for rollers shutters, for 3 of them, when i add to the network, the device is not visible anymore, i tried to search it in hidden device, but there's not there too.

    How i can do to resolve it, should i re-initalise it again? what's the better way to do it?

    PS:The same problem are happened with Shelly 1 (for light)

    Thanks a lot for your help.