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Thanks for the suggestion!, I am aware of this feature, but unfortunately this only works in the shelly app itself.
When you use home automation software this unfortunately doesn't work.
Of course i cloud mimic the behavior but that would mean i have to edit a lot of devices, it would be much easier to be able to configure this at the source (the module)
I have a lot of shelly 2.5 devices that i use around the house.
Some of those i use in relay mode but only use 1 output channel and don't use the second output/switch.
Is it possible to disable the second output/switch so they would behave as a single output shelly?
Why you may ask
i use several integrations that discover the shelly modules, most of my integrations represent a single channel as a device.
This leaves me with a lot of devices named like "Module X Second output Unused" which is really annoying when you have a lot of them 
So i thought i might ask, may be it a nice little feature request 
Thanks for making a great product.