Done , thanks
Beiträge von Matz88
This would be my next step, but I do not have a spare and I would rather avoid rewiring to another in the distribution box if is just something software.
I just wanted first to know if anyone had a similar issue which was solved in an easier way like setting some gains.
I have a system with several PRO2PM and PRO1PM, each wired in the same way and as well a shelly EM upfront.
I have consistent readings from all the devices but from one PRO2PM wich shows power readings lower than the expectations by a factor of about 24 (5.2W instead of 125W for example).
The voltage is read correctly. SW version is 0.12.0
The erroroneous reading is confirmed by the EM upfront which reads correctly about 125W.
What could be the issue? Is it maybe a defective device?
I have two Shelly 1L working in live wire configuration only as per attached picture which reach 60-65°C when the light is off but cool down to 40°C when the light is that normal??
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