Beiträge von ColdRun

    I'd like some help double-checking my wiring plan. I've replaced my own switches before but I'm not an electrician. I need to make 100% sure of what I'm doing here.

    The setup

    I'm in North America with "normal" single pole switches. A single switch will controls/will controll a single light.

    Each of my wall switch boxes is wired simply and with a neutral. To be clear, each box has line, load, a neutral wire from the source capped with a wire nut that connects to the neutral going to the light, and ground.

    I believe this is how my lights are wired:

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    What I want to achieve

    • Each light's brightness can now be automated by Node-red/Home Assistant.
    • The light switch no longer functions as an on/off.
    • Toggling the switch will send a MQTT message to a topic for Node-red to process further.

    My equipment

    • Leviton Decora Rocker Single-Pole Wall Light Switch. Residential Grade, Non-Grounding, Quickwire Push-In & Side Wired, x3
    • Shelly Dimmer 2, x3


    I understand that the [Shelly L] terminals are all connected. So, the following is my plan for wiring, but I think I understand that line and load could be connected to either shelly L terminal.

    My wiring plan in the switch box

    Line -> [Shelly L1].

    Load -> [Shelly L2]. (these are interchangeable)

    Decora screw terminal 1 -> [Shelly SW1].

    Decora screw terminal 2 -> [Shelly SW2]. (these are interchangeable)

    I will remove the wire nut connecting the neutral wire together. Then:

    Neutral wire connected to the current source -> [Shelly N]

    Neutral wire connected to the light -> [Shelly O]

    Is this correct? I used this Shelly wiring diagram as a guide. But, diagrams confuse me a bit. Thanks for your help!