As mentioned above it’s a known issue with a number of people reporting similar challenges and acknowledged by Shelly, see RE: 'Device is Offline'
Beiträge von robjameslee
Thanks, I'll try that this weekend. It's currently wired this way for reference, if anyone spots anything wrong then please do comment.
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I'm in the UK and I've wired in a shelly 1L into a switched live (no neutral) circuit (placed in the light switch backbox):
L - Brown
O - Blue
SW1 - Light Switch Com
SWX - Light Switch L1
I have a shelly bypass wired across the live/neutral in the ceiling - they are LED spotlights.
The shelly itself seems to work fine, I can turn the lights on/off via the app/web interface. Similarly the physical switch also works (turns lights off/on). However, when I turn the light on via the physical switch and then off via the app/web interface, I then have to toggle the physical switch twice to get it to turn on again (so click up and then down again).
I've tried changing the various 'button 1 type' configuration options (momentary,toggle,edge,detached), but no setting seems to make a difference.
Is that the expected mode of operation ?
For reference, I raised a ticket with shelly about this. After advising that I set a fixed IP, the issue was still present. They advised:
"Currently, our developers are working on this issue. Kindly asking you to give us more time to fix it. "
For now, I've got a script which periodically polls the web interface to try and keep it from sleeping.
'watch -n 300 curl --silent http://MY.IP.ADD.RESS/status >> shelly.log'
Keeps it alive for a few days, but still needs a periodic factory reset.
Thanks for the response. It looks like the device loses it's IP address when this happens, so I don't think hitting the web interface will wake it up unfortunately (I've tried as you've suggested and it didn't seem to work in my case).
My issue appears to be similar to this, having read it: Wifi re-connect
I have a Shelly motion that after 24 hours or so moves to a status of 'Device is Offline'. The motion light still seems to function (turns red when it notices motion), but in the shelly app it's marked as offline and the web interface no longer responds. The Wifi is shown as 'green' on the web interface when it's connected (WiFi RSSI: -61 dBm)
After rebooting the device, it comes back fine for a period of time.
Firmware version:
Current version: 20210226-072307/v1.1.0@f31e1d2b
You have latest version of your device!
Has anyone seen a similar behaviour or have any suggestions for how to fix it ?
I'd be keen to know if there is any way to enabled advanced debug logging or similar ?