Beiträge von potat0

    According to the attached graph, it appears that the device connected to the "Plug Kitchen 5 ENERGY Power" causes jumps that are seen in the upper graph, they have the same pattern.

    Yes I see it now

    Plug kitchen 5 is refrigirator, when cooling it draws about 80-100 watt

    Meaning every time cooling cycle starts it spikes to 1-2kW and tasmota plugs doesn't see it

    Thank you


    I have 10 tasmota plugs and one boiler switch to measure consumption of everything, now bought Shelly EM with two clamps and measures are same: connected one clamp before main breaker and one clamp after main breaker

    Shelly shows power spikes of 1-2 kW but none of tasmota or boiler switch see those spikes

    Shelly shows power spikes on original firmware so I tried tasmota and still spikes present so I reverted to original firmware

    Top is shelly bottom are tasmota plugs and boiler switch

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    I wonder if those spikes are real or shelly misreads and if they are real where is this going to?


    Don't worry, 75 degree Celsius is the internal temperature (MCU) which is absolutely ok ..

    Shelly1PM automatically turns off if a critical temperature is reached (which is IIRC around 95 degree celsius)

    this is the self protection mentioned above.. the issue is probably related to the place where the Shelly is installed.. a closed box? then there is no air circulation which increases the temperature over the time..

    Maybe you can install inside a bigger box or with some distance to other devices, which may affect the temperature?

    Yes it's in very tight and closed box and there is no possibility for better place

    These devices supposed to be in such places I think, and still it's only 12A from 16A

    Maybe tasmota firmware has something to do with it, later I'll reflash them and try with original firmware

    From your signature you have tons of Shellys, did you try one of them under load of more than 10A for long period of time, at least an hour?

    Got two Shelly 1PM, flashed with tasmota, calibrated on 60W bulb, everything works.

    Week ago attached one to air conditioner which uses 1500W (7A):

    when off shelly temperature is 50-60c at 25c room temp

    when on shelly temperature gets to 75c after an hour and then heating cycle ends so shelly cools

    seems bit high but as long as it gets to 75c max I’m ok with it.

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    Now attached one to water heater which uses 2600W (12A):

    when off shelly temperature is 50-60c at 25c room temp

    when on shelly temperature gets to 90c after 20 minutes and turns off by itself.

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    I’m using them only for monitoring power consumption not for controlling devices.

    Wired them both according to shelly instruction like this:

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    What could it be source heating problem? 12A should be ok on 16A switch