From my experience, when the script triggers the light due to motion, the timer is set based on the blu motion blind time, so to change it, you need to change it on the blu motion itself. I don't use the app, so not familiar with how it works, sorry. But I'd guess that the script is controlling everything in this case.
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Hi there,
I have a Shelly Blu Motion that connects directly via bluetooth to a Shelly Plus 1.
Whenever you walk into the room and the blu motion sees you, it triggers the Plus1 to turn on the light. Then it automatically turns off again after 90secs.
However, if you manually switch the light on using the wall switch, THEN the sensor sees you, it will also turn the light off after 90 secs. I don't want it to do that.
What I want is, if you use the physical light switch, i want the Plus1 to ignore the motion detector input, until it is turned off again (by physical switch or any programmatic method).
This is all done via the Shelly Plus1 onboard script. I got the script from the Shelly examples github…helly-motion.js and modified it minimally to allow my blu motions mac address. My version is below.
Alles anzeigen/******************* START CHANGE HERE *******************/ let CONFIG = { // When set to true, debug messages will be logged to the console debug: true, // When set to true and the script ownes the scanner, the scan will be active. // Active scan means the scanner will ping back the Bluetooth device to receive all its data, but it will drain the battery faster active: false, // When `allowedMacAddresses` is set to null, evets from every bluetooth device are accepted. // allowedMacAddresses: null, allowedMacAddresses: [ "3C:2E:F5:B9:93:F3", // events only from these mac addresses are allowed. "11:22:33:45:5a:bc", ], /** * Called when motion is reported from the filtered Shelly BLU Motion devices. * @param {Boolean} motion true, when there is a motion, false otherwise. * @param {Object} eventData Object, containing all parameters received from the Shelly BLU Motion device. Example: {"encryption":false,"BTHome_version":2,"pid":16,"battery":100,"illuminance":109,"motion":1,"button":1,"rssi":-53,"address":"aa:bc:12:34:56:78"} */ motionHandler: function (motion, eventData) { // Toggle the first replay ON/OFF based on the motion value."Switch.Set", { id: 0, on: motion }); console.log("Motion", motion); }, /** * Called when illuminance is reported from the filtered Shelly BLU Motion devices. * @param {Number} illuminance Current illuminance value. * @param {Object} eventData Object, containing all parameters received from the Shelly BLU Motion device. Example: {"encryption":false,"BTHome_version":2,"pid":16,"battery":100,"illuminance":109,"motion":1,"button":1,"rssi":-53,"address":"aa:bc:12:34:56:78"} */ illuminanceHandler: function (illuminance, eventData) { // Compile the topic based on the mac address of the reporter. let topic = eventData.address + "/illuminance"; // Publush the data. MQTT.publish(topic, String(illuminance)); }, /** * Called when packet from filtered Shelly BLU Motion devices is received. * @param {Object} eventData Object, containing all parameters received from the Shelly BLU Motion device. Example: {"encryption":false,"BTHome_version":2,"pid":16,"battery":100,"illuminance":109,"motion":1,"button":1,"rssi":-53,"address":"aa:bc:12:34:56:78"} */ onStatusUpdate: function (eventData) { // Do nothing at the moment. } }; /******************* STOP CHANGE HERE *******************/ let ALLTERCO_MFD_ID_STR = "0ba9"; let BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR = "fcd2"; let uint8 = 0; let int8 = 1; let uint16 = 2; let int16 = 3; let uint24 = 4; let int24 = 5; //Logs the provided message with an optional prefix to the console. function logger(message, prefix) { //exit if the debug isn't enabled if (!CONFIG.debug) { return; } let finalText = ""; //if the message is list loop over it if (Array.isArray(message)) { for (let i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { finalText = finalText + " " + JSON.stringify(message[i]); } } else { finalText = JSON.stringify(message); } //the prefix must be string if (typeof prefix !== "string") { prefix = ""; } else { prefix = prefix + ":"; } //log the result console.log(prefix, finalText); } // The BTH object defines the structure of the BTHome data let BTH = {}; BTH[0x00] = { n: "pid", t: uint8 }; BTH[0x01] = { n: "battery", t: uint8, u: "%" }; BTH[0x02] = { n: "temperature", t: int16, f: 0.01, u: "tC" }; BTH[0x03] = { n: "humidity", t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: "%" }; BTH[0x05] = { n: "illuminance", t: uint24, f: 0.01 }; BTH[0x21] = { n: "motion", t: uint8 }; BTH[0x2d] = { n: "window", t: uint8 }; BTH[0x3a] = { n: "button", t: uint8 }; BTH[0x3f] = { n: "rotation", t: int16, f: 0.1 }; function getByteSize(type) { if (type === uint8 || type === int8) return 1; if (type === uint16 || type === int16) return 2; if (type === uint24 || type === int24) return 3; //impossible as advertisements are much smaller; return 255; } // functions for decoding and unpacking the service data from Shelly BLU devices let BTHomeDecoder = { utoi: function (num, bitsz) { let mask = 1 << (bitsz - 1); return num & mask ? num - (1 << bitsz) : num; }, getUInt8: function (buffer) { return; }, getInt8: function (buffer) { return this.utoi(this.getUInt8(buffer), 8); }, getUInt16LE: function (buffer) { return 0xffff & (( << 8) |; }, getInt16LE: function (buffer) { return this.utoi(this.getUInt16LE(buffer), 16); }, getUInt24LE: function (buffer) { return ( 0x00ffffff & (( << 16) | ( << 8) | ); }, getInt24LE: function (buffer) { return this.utoi(this.getUInt24LE(buffer), 24); }, getBufValue: function (type, buffer) { if (buffer.length < getByteSize(type)) return null; let res = null; if (type === uint8) res = this.getUInt8(buffer); if (type === int8) res = this.getInt8(buffer); if (type === uint16) res = this.getUInt16LE(buffer); if (type === int16) res = this.getInt16LE(buffer); if (type === uint24) res = this.getUInt24LE(buffer); if (type === int24) res = this.getInt24LE(buffer); return res; }, // Unpacks the service data buffer from a Shelly BLU device unpack: function (buffer) { //beacons might not provide BTH service data if (typeof buffer !== "string" || buffer.length === 0) return null; let result = {}; let _dib =; result["encryption"] = _dib & 0x1 ? true : false; result["BTHome_version"] = _dib >> 5; if (result["BTHome_version"] !== 2) return null; //can not handle encrypted data if (result["encryption"]) return result; buffer = buffer.slice(1); let _bth; let _value; while (buffer.length > 0) { _bth = BTH[]; if (typeof _bth === "undefined") { logger("unknown type", "BTH"); break; } buffer = buffer.slice(1); _value = this.getBufValue(_bth.t, buffer); if (_value === null) break; if (typeof _bth.f !== "undefined") _value = _value * _bth.f; result[_bth.n] = _value; buffer = buffer.slice(getByteSize(_bth.t)); } return result; }, }; function onReceivedPacket (data) { if(CONFIG._processedMacAddresses !== null) { if(CONFIG._processedMacAddresses.indexOf(data.address) < 0) { logger(["Received event from", data.address, "outside of the allowed addresses"], "Info"); return; } } if ( typeof CONFIG.motionHandler === "function" && typeof data.motion !== "undefined" ) { CONFIG.motionHandler(data.motion === 1, data); logger("Motion handler called", "Info"); } if ( typeof CONFIG.illuminanceHandler === "function" && typeof data.illuminance !== "undefined" ) { CONFIG.illuminanceHandler(data.illuminance, data); logger("Illuminance handler called", "Info"); } if (typeof CONFIG.onStatusUpdate === "function") { CONFIG.onStatusUpdate(data); logger("New status update", "Info"); } } //saving the id of the last packet, this is used to filter the duplicated packets let lastPacketId = 0x100; // Callback for the BLE scanner object function BLEScanCallback(event, result) { //exit if not a result of a scan if (event !== BLE.Scanner.SCAN_RESULT) { return; } //exit if service_data member is missing if ( typeof result.service_data === "undefined" || typeof result.service_data[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR] === "undefined" ) { return; } let unpackedData = BTHomeDecoder.unpack( result.service_data[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR] ); //exit if unpacked data is null or the device is encrypted if ( unpackedData === null || typeof unpackedData === "undefined" || unpackedData["encryption"] ) { logger("Encrypted devices are not supported", "Error"); return; } //exit if the event is duplicated if (lastPacketId === { return; } lastPacketId =; unpackedData.rssi = result.rssi; unpackedData.address = result.addr; onReceivedPacket(unpackedData); } // Initializes the script and performs the necessary checks and configurations function init() { //exit if can't find the config if (typeof CONFIG === "undefined") { console.log("Error: Undefined config"); return; } //get the config of ble component let BLEConfig = Shelly.getComponentConfig("ble"); //exit if the BLE isn't enabled if (!BLEConfig.enable) { console.log( "Error: The Bluetooth is not enabled, please enable it from settings" ); return; } //check if the scanner is already running if (BLE.Scanner.isRunning()) { console.log("Info: The BLE gateway is running, the BLE scan configuration is managed by the device"); } else { //start the scanner let bleScanner = BLE.Scanner.Start({ duration_ms: BLE.Scanner.INFINITE_SCAN, active: }); if(!bleScanner) { console.log("Error: Can not start new scanner"); } } if ( typeof CONFIG.allowedMacAddresses !== "undefined" ) { if(CONFIG.allowedMacAddresses !== null) { // Process configured mac addresses all to lower case and remove duplicates. CONFIG._processedMacAddresses = CONFIG .allowedMacAddresses .map(function (mac) { return mac.toLowerCase(); }) .filter(function (value, index, array) { return array.indexOf(value) === index; }) } else { CONFIG._processedMacAddresses = null; } } //subscribe a callback to BLE scanner BLE.Scanner.Subscribe(BLEScanCallback); } init();
However my understanding of code is minimal, I can sort of work out what things are for, but I don't really know how to modify the code. I think some sort of if/else around the motionHandler would maybe work?
- If: the switch status is on, ignore any motion sensor inputs/functions
- Else: Run the motion sensor function
Could anyone help me with modifying the code for this? Many thanks in advance.