Beiträge von emmerossi

    Hi, do not know if is the right place to put this issue.

    The idea is to enable a service based on pre-payment systel like Paypal.

    In its essentials I'm thinking to enable a device such as Shelly1 PM upon

    receiving a Paypal confirmation of payment, issued on qrcode scan and

    pre-pay amount of money.

    Just an example of this : Imagine a B&B site where a washing machine is

    activated following a Qrcode scan and payment approval from Paypal.

    As soon as the Paypal notification is arrived this info is taken into account

    and passed to the device which turns on and remain active to complete

    the washing cycle (2-3 hrs).

    Same concept can be apply to Heating or Air Conditioners, Dishwashing

    and other stuff.

    Think would be useful for hosts & guests helping to reduce price for

    basic service and have a pay-per-use for specific service.


    Hello, thank you for schematic diagram.

    Resistance is : Red-Black=5.3K, Red-Yellow=4.6K, Black-Yellow=1; on another SH1 values are similar with exception of Black-Yellow=7.1K.

    Voltage between Red-Black is 4.5v

    Power voltage, battery operated is 12.1v

    Heating is minimal (but battery is descharging now, I'll repeat tests)....

    I never seen before the "External switch add-on" and try to enable/disable without difference.

    In any case I do not see temperature menu, even after attaching probes.

    Never exceed 12v. seems to be a valid suggestion,but no results so far.

    Attached photos probably give you a better evaluation.

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    Thank you.

    Tis is the wiring and result of earlier and last test (using SH-A and SH-B) different units

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    Hi, does someone has tried to connect SH1 powered at 12v DC to thermal add-on board ?

    I've tried with two SH!, two different boards, two different probes with the same bad results.

    After initial boot SH1 loose the AP's connection, start heating excessively, start to burn

    smelling smoke. After several tests I presume add-on board is not compatible with SH1

    but there is nothing written about this.

    Thank you