Beiträge von frederenke

    Ja bei 3 beginnt doch schon das Problem, woher weißt du ob das ganze nun der Identische Außenleiter sowie RCD ist? Der Dimmer2 ist definitiv nicht Potentialfrei.

    Wenn die Dose nicht einsehbar ist würde ich mich jetzt auch nicht 100% auf die Richtigkeit verlassen!

    Gibt es auch Daten zum verwendeten Netzteil?

    Wurde hier wenigstens mal eine Messung mit einem 2 Poligen Spannungsprüfer gemacht?

    Wobei ich sowieso bezweifle das das ganze ohne N mit einem Netzteil Funktioniert.

    Danke für deine Ideen!

    Ich habe gemessen und alte Fotos aus der Bauphase bekommen.

    Auf den Fotos kann ich erkennen, dass die Steckdose aus Bild 3 aus der selben Verteilerdose gespeist wird.

    Der Außenleiter aus der Steckdose entspricht dem Außenleiter aus der Schaltstelle.

    Nullleiter aus dem Lampenanschluss entspricht dem Nullleiter aus der Steckdose.

    RCD gibt es nur einen.

    Vom Netzteil habe ich folgende Infos:

    Dimmable (TRIAC)


    Input: AC110V/220v

    Output: DC18-23V


    Die LED Streifen habe ich entsprechend ausgelegt (sind ohne Vorwiderstände)

    Prinzipiell funktioniert es ja auch in Schaltung 3 - wie sich nun zeigte, ja auch mit gutem Grund (selber Außenleiter und N)

    Dimmbare LEDs haben doch ohnehin immer ein Netzteil verbaut. Ich hätte erwartet, dass der Betrieb ohne N dann kein Problem für den Shelly Dimmer 2 darstellt. Oder ist der Betrieb ohne N ausschließlich für konventionelle Leuchtmittel vorgesehen?

    Im worst case müsste die Wand geöffnet werden - aber das dachte ich vermeiden zu können.


    ich habe mit einem Shelly Dimmer 2 ein Problem. Die SW ist auf dem neuesten Stand.

    Angesteuert werden sollen zwei Leuchten jeweils bestehend aus einem dimmbaren Netzteil, einem Kondensator und zwei Widerständen zur Spannungsglättung sowie einem LED Streifen. Das Schaltbild ist in 05.png zu erkennen.

    Leider habe ich an der Schaltstelle keinen Nullleiter zur Verfügung. Aber das sollte für den Shelly ja eigentlich kein Problem sein.

    In den Bildern sind alle Verschaltungen zu sehen.

    01 - So funktioniert alles.

    02 - Die Kalibrierung des Shellys erzeugt an der Leuchte ein Flackern und braucht ewig. Den Vorgang habe ich dann abgebrochen.

    03 - Wenn ich mir den Strom und den Nullleiter aus einer benachbarten Steckdose ziehe läuft alles

    04 - Mit dem Bypass gibt es sowohl im Kalibriermodus als auch im Betrieb ein "brutzelndes" Geräusch, bis der Shelly Übertemperatur meldet und den Ausgang abschaltet.

    05 - Es sollte eigentlich keine Rolle spielen, da 01 und 03 funktionieren, der Vollständigkeit halber aber die Verschaltung nach dem 24V Netzteil.

    Hat jemand eine Idee?

    I am currently in the same situation.

    I have flashed tasmota und then back to original firmware. Now I only have the AP of the shelly. When I connect to this AP I got only a "Index of/" page. Can't do anything there.

    Any hints whats missing here?

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    I am having the exact same issue. This problem appeared out of nowhere on a working Dimmer2. Then I flashed via an uart adapter the dimmer2-180.bin (original firmware) via It did not help. I then used EspEasyFlasher and a blank image to overwrite everything. Still the same after flashing the original firmware. I managed to get easy-mega flashed. But this does not help me, since I want the original firmware. Any suggestions?


    I was searching for a solution to switch a socket with Shelly periodically. I would need 2 Minutes on and 8 Minutes off.

    I thought it could be done with auto-on / auto-off but this only works for one cycle.

    With the timer i can "only" set 18 entries.

    Is there option to do this?

    Thanks for the explanation! That's a very creative solution!

    Alternatively you might be able to control light and extractor hood separately by implement Shellys inside (actually one is probably enough, it just needs to be connected to the extractor hood). Of course this would require you to open the extractor hood and depends on the wiring inside.

    Good idea, but I do not want to loose the warranty

    I see your code but I do not really get this.

    In my setup I would have one plug and two window switches (W1 and W2)

    The plug has two states: power limited (PL) and power unlimited (PU)

    The plug needs to be enabled when limit was reached (PE)

    So right now it is this way

    W1 open-->PU, PE

    W1 close-->PL

    W2 open-->PU, PE

    W2 close-->PL

    If I get you right, you want to change W2 open when W1 open is executed. Correct?

    I do not see the point of this - could you verify or explain what you wanted to achieve?

    The plug::

    {"device":{"type":"SHPLG-S","mac":"mac","hostname":"shellyplug-s-xx","num_outputs":1,"num_meters":1},"wifi_ap":{"enabled":false,"ssid":"shellyplug-s-EAE749","key":""},"wifi_sta":{"enabled":true,"ssid":"ssid","ipv4_method":"dhcp","ip":null,"gw":null,"mask":null,"dns":null},"wifi_sta1":{"enabled":false,"ssid":null,"ipv4_method":"dhcp","ip":null,"gw":null,"mask":null,"dns":null},"mqtt": {"enable":false,"server":"","user":"","id":"shellyplug-s-xx","reconnect_timeout_max":60.000000,"reconnect_timeout_min":2.000000,"clean_session":true,"keep_alive":60,"max_qos":0,"retain":false,"update_period":30},"coiot": {"update_period":15},"sntp":{"server":"","enabled":true},"login":{"enabled":false,"unprotected":false,"username":"admin"},"pin_code":"","name":null,"fw":"20201124-092310/v1.9.0@57ac4ad8","discoverable":true,"build_info":{"build_id":"20201124-092310/v1.9.0@57ac4ad8","build_timestamp":"2020-11-24T09:23:10Z","build_version":"1.0"},"cloud":{"enabled":false,"connected":false},"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","lat":49.864700,"lng":8.625460,"tzautodetect":true,"tz_utc_offset":3600,"tz_dst":false,"tz_dst_auto":true,"time":"20:45","unixtime":1607028315,"led_status_disable":false,"actions":{"active":false,"names":["btn_on_url","out_on_url","out_off_url"]},"hwinfo":{"hw_revision":"prod-190516","batch_id":1},"max_power":2500,"led_status_disable":false,"led_power_disable":false,"relays":[{"name":null,"appliance_type":"General","ison":true,"has_timer":false,"default_state":"on","auto_on":0.00,"auto_off":0.00,"schedule":false,"schedule_rules":[],"max_power":2500}]}

    The window switch

    {"device":{"type":"SHDW-2","mac":"mac","hostname":"shellydw2-xx","sleep_mode":true},"wifi_ap":{"enabled":false,"ssid":"shellydw2-xx","key":""},"wifi_sta":{"enabled":true,"ssid":"ssid","ipv4_method":"dhcp","ip":null,"gw":null,"mask":null,"dns":null},"wifi_sta1":{"enabled":false,"ssid":null,"ipv4_method":"dhcp","ip":null,"gw":null,"mask":null,"dns":null},"mqtt": {"enable":false,"server":"","user":"","id":"shellydw2-xx5","reconnect_timeout_max":60.000000,"reconnect_timeout_min":2.000000,"clean_session":true,"keep_alive":60,"max_qos":0,"retain":false,"update_period":30},"coiot": {"update_period":15},"sntp":{"server":"","enabled":true},"login":{"enabled":false,"unprotected":false,"username":"admin"},"pin_code":"","name":null,"fw":"20201202-140612/v1.9.3-rc3@50c6ab57","discoverable":true,"build_info":{"build_id":"20201202-140612/v1.9.3-rc3@50c6ab57","build_timestamp":"2020-12-02T14:06:12Z","build_version":"1.0"},"cloud":{"enabled":true,"connected":true},"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","lat":500.000000,"lng":500.000000,"tzautodetect":true,"tz_utc_offset":0,"tz_dst":false,"tz_dst_auto":true,"time":"","unixtime":0,"led_status_disable":true,"actions":{"active":true,"names":["dark_url","twilight_url","open_url","close_url","vibration_url","temp_over_url","temp_under_url"]},"dark_threshold":100,"twilight_threshold":300,"sleep_mode":{"period":6,"unit":"h"},"led_status_disable":true,"tilt_enabled":false,"tilt_calibrated":false,"vibration_enabled":false,"reverse_open_close":false,"lux_wakeup_enable":true,"sensors":{"temperature_threshold":1.0,"temperature_unit":"C"},"temperature_offset":0.0}

    the last command will be the ove for the plug.

    So if you have both open and want close one, you have to close both and open one again.

    But I will test something later, and when this is working I will tell you what to do

    That is exactly the problem. Great, thanks for helping!

    I'm curious, what is your application for this?

    Sure I can tell this. Maybe someone else has this problem and will search for the keywords I'm about to use.

    So I am having an extractor hood in my kitchen above the stove top and only want to enable its fan if at least one window is open


    I also want to use the included lights regardless of the window state. So I cannot disable the hood completely. Thus the idea was to limit the power (2 lights each 3 Watts-->10W limit). In other words: If no window is open, only the lights should work (low power consumption is ok). The fan should only be able to run when a window is opened since I do not want to suck air through the chimney.

    And it would be convenient to be able to chose which window can be opened to achieve this.

    Edit: I have to add that I also can enable the plug relay again by tipping another shelly and a rocker switch nearby. In case I accidently turn on the fan, the power limit is hit even though I only wanted to turn on the lights. With this setup I can reenable the plug without changing the power limit and without having to open and close a window

    My Shellys finally arrived and I had the opportunity to test this.

    It works like a charm!

    But, I have to admit - It took a while, since the firmware for the door switch was buggy! Only with the current Beta the "open" commands were executed.

    This was cumbersome and well, not really necessary dearest shelly team.

    So to conclude (and maybe help others): I have a door switch that sets the maximal power of a Shelly plug (192.168.x.x) to a specific value (10 Watts)


    Once this value is reached the plug turns off

    When the window switch is closed, it turns the plug back on and sets the limit to a higher value


    I am not yet sure how to deal with two window switches, since once I close one of the windows the state of the other window does not really matter anymore since only the opening and closing trigger an action....


    I'm fairly new to the Shelly system and want to solve something I could not find on the web.

    I have one goal:

    - I want to switch a power outlet based on the state of one or two windows.

    - If both windows are closed, the outlet should only allow a specific load (~10W).

    - If one of the windows is open the power outlet should be on without a limit.

    I have two questions:

    - Is it possible to connect two window switches to one Shelly?

    - Is it possible to limit the power outlet based on the state of a window switch?


    PS I assumed the Shelly1 would be the device to go. However, if something else is appropriate, feel free to shift this thread