Beiträge von bmwbiker62


    Maybe a hint for users, or a hint for developers for a bug... ?

    Trying around with MQTT (to get it work together with FHEM).

    As in my earlier post written in I feel unsure about how to read the documentation regarding MQTT output control.

    So I tried around, back and forth - with different topics and payloads.

    So, here my issue:

    Shelly 4PM MQTT seems not very robust regarding JSON payload.

    After trying a while MQTT got unstable. E.g. MQTT status didn't react on on/off commands even from the Shelly's website anymore (didn't show switch:X status anymore). Also, after a while sometimes it showed MQTT topic online=false.

    Trying reboot the device by website really did a reboot - could see it at website and Shelly. But, MQTT did not recover. Only sometimes it showed topics online=true and switch:X update after looong time.
    Meanwhile, all other my ~40 MQTT devices ran as usual. No issue of the MQTT broker.

    And no issue with the Shelly 4PM website.

    Only a power cycle seems to have the Shelly recovered to fully operational MQTT.

    Currently my Shelly 4PM is working again. Hopefully it stays this way... ;)

    I don't exactly remember the payloads which lead to the Shelly's behaviour.

    Here are some which I tried on shelly-xxx/rpc:

    - Exchanged all double quotes with single quotes in JSON data.

    - Accidently mixed up JSON data (maybe missed some quotes, accidently exchanged colons by equal signs, ...)

    - Trying on other topics (e.g. shelly-xxx/command/switch:0 on)

    Best regards



    I just received the brand new Shelly 4PM.
    At first glance it looks professional and very promising.

    Although, setup was a bit tricky. Neither standard nor Beta version App could find it.
    Finally I got it working via its Webpage.

    Now I'm a bit struggling with MQTT.
    I understand that the backbone of all interface seems to be RPC. So even via MQTT it is possible to see these RPC messages.

    But also, it is possible to set "Generic status update" which sends separate status topics for each switch.

    On the other hand I have to say that the control via MQTT unfortunately is not very nicely documented yet.

    Nevertheless I found this variant in the Forum and it is working in a test.

    It uses one topic to control everything.

    shelly-xxx/rpc {"method": "Switch.Set", "params": {"id": 2, "on": true}}

    My question now is:

    Is it possible to also control Shelly 4PM via separate switch topics - as Shelly Gen 1 does - and as the status can show ?
    example: shelly-xxx/relay/2/command on

    or similar to status: shelly-xxx/command/switch:2 on

    It wouldn't matter whether it's a plain command or json.
    If it only could be separate switches ...
    Maybe I only didn't find in the documenation ?

    Best regards


    Ich habe aufgegeben, hatte ja meine alten 4Pro zurück geschickt und einen Gutschein erhalten. Diesen hab ich nun für andere Shellys eingetauscht und verschiebe das 4Pro Plus Projekt auf nächstes Jahr oder noch später.

    Na, dann bin ich wenigstens nicht allein. Meinen 4Pro hatte das letzte Update im Dez. zerschossen. Ebenfalls eingeschickt und nach viel hinundher nen Gutschein bekommen, der bis Mitte Juni gültig ist. Bin gespannt, ob ich damit noch einen der Erstserie ergattern kann.

    Das Thema Lieferverschiebung kann ich ein wenig nachvollziehen, auf wenn es echt schad ist. Ich bin selbst Hardwareentwickler und bekomme die Lieferprobleme gerade hautnah mit. Erst Corona, mit halber Kraft entwickeln, dazu ev tatsächlich HW Probleme und aktuell gigantische Bauteillieferzeiten... Wir rennen einem out of stock Problem nach dem nächsten hinterher- und kommen kaum dazu, was Neues zu entwickeln.
    Ich hoffe noch und bin gespannt. Bei langen Kreuzschalterleitungen sind die Shellies einfach um Welten besser, als Chinaware mit Tasmota.

    Contact Allterco Support (create a ticket), they'll probably replace the broken device..

    Thanks, I also already issued a ticket and got first answer ;-) "turn on cloud and try firmware update..."

    I keep in contact with Shelly support.

    what's the detailed problem.. no reaction at all or just the Wifi disconnected?

    I'm going to examine the not switching Shelly 1 later on. Currently there's now time left...

    Wifi and access was working. The relay also clicked very silently when switching. But the attached lamp was steady on. Maybe the relais contacts glued. Maybe the relay doesn't like the 30W AC/DC converter of the lamp.

    Many thanks for your advices.

    I thought about a factory reset as well. Did it now... :-(

    4Pro was reset to access point. I also could access it. But same as earlier - I wasn't able to set wifi client mode properly because settings cannot be accessed and couldn't start a firmware download.

    I tried factory reset once more. Now the device seems to be bricked. Black display, wifi access sometimes is available. But the device seems to repeatedly boot - I cannot connect and the AC disappears every few seconds.

    I disassembled the device now. It has a ThingsAir wifi controller on it. I'll try to find out how to flash it serially...

    I'm going to feel rather unhappy with these shellys - a Shelly 1 seem to have died as well...

    If someone has some ideas - help is very appreciated.


    is there someone wtih an idea how to flash a Shelly 4 Pro offline ? e.g. via serial interface ?

    I've one 4 Pro with V1.6.5 running, no cloud, with MQTT. Updates worked until this version.

    But, since this version I barely can connect via web interface. Manual /settings request only shows content in 1 of 10 tries. Otherwise answer is valid (200) but empty.

    /settings subrequests won't work at all in this condition (/settings/ap, ...).

    The other simple requests do work (/shelly, /status, ...)

    Meanwhile I was able to disable MQTT.

    Now I always have access to web interface and /settings. Which doesn't really help - I need MQTT.

    Now I hoped an update will help.

    But, all tries to update via web UI or /ota?url=... or /ota/update fail.

    /ota afterwards always shows pending. No update happens.

    All my Shellies do have internet access. Update with all the Shelly 1 and 2.5 works well.
    I could download the firmware ZIP manually.

    Help is appreciated very much

    Best regards