Beiträge von wonderiuy


    I have the same problem, with vaccum cleaner, microwave oven and dryer machine.

    From firmwware 0.10.2 they SILENTLY added a more strict voltage control which cause this (talked to support)

    There is no way to downgrade firmware

    Product is crap now, there is no solution.

    Hope they will do a step back

    Any1 interested in 3 Shelly 4 PRo PM for sale sale sale?

    • Is possible to downgrade to previous version?
    • Ticket opened, anyway:

    bleenablefalsecloudenablefalseserver""ethenabletrueipv4mode"static"ip""netmask""gw""nameserver""input:0id0namenulltype"switch"invertfalseinput:1id1namenulltype"switch"invertfalseinput:2id2namenulltype"switch"invertfalseinput:3id3namenulltype"switch"invertfalsemqttenablefalseservernullusernulltopic_prefixnullrpc_ntftruestatus_ntffalseswitch:0id0name"Lavastoviglie"in_mode"detached"initial_state"restore_last"auto_onfalseauto_on_delay60auto_offfalseauto_off_delay60power_limit4480voltage_limit280current_limit16switch:1id1name"Induzione"in_mode"detached"initial_state"restore_last"auto_onfalseauto_on_delay60auto_offfalseauto_off_delay60power_limit4480voltage_limit280current_limit16switch:2id2name"Forno"in_mode"detached"initial_state"restore_last"auto_onfalseauto_on_delay60auto_offfalseauto_off_delay60power_limit4480voltage_limit280current_limit16switch:3id3name"Frigorifero"in_mode"detached"initial_state"restore_last"auto_onfalseauto_on_delay60auto_offfalseauto_off_delay60power_limit4480voltage_limit280current_limit16sysdevicename"Blocco 2"mac"083AF27C0D04"fw_id"20220531-135214/0.10.2-g8a2ef01"eco_modefalselocationtz"Europe/Rome"lat45.46505lon9.18435debugmqttenablefalsewebsocketenablefalseudpaddrnullui_data{}rpc_udpdst_addrnulllisten_portnullsntpserver""cfg_rev17uiidle_brightness30wifiapssid"ShellyPro4PM-083AF27C0D04"is_opentrueenablefalsestassidnullis_opentrueenablefalseipv4mode"dhcp"ipnullnetmasknullgwnullnameservernullsta1ssidnullis_opentrueenablefalseipv4mode"dhcp"ipnullnetmasknullgwnullnameservernullroamrssi_thr-80interval60

    I think to have found the core of the question: I have added all my RGBW2, except last one, when they were in RGB mode, so one single device is shown, and then switched them to white mode.

    I did this with my last one, removed the 4 entries and all is working fine now

    Thank you guys

    Thank you for the quick answer.

    I have 9 RGBW2 all setted in the same way, white mode, but only one is shown as 4 device, all running 1.8.3 firmware. So, do i have 8 faulty and 1 correct?

    Why this single RGBW2 is prompting me for upgrading to a beta firmware?

    All my 8 RGBW2 are showing this interface:

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    while the quadruple one is showing whis interface:

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    Why this?


    i'm using RGBW2 in white mode but in the app on my phone 4 devices are shown when i switched the RGBW2 from color to white mode.

    Already tried to reset device, reset to factory, delete device, redo the room, nothing to do, the device appear 4 times in the app (and in the cloud).

    The firmware section offer me to upload a beta firware. Why? My other RGBW2 don't do that and act like 1 singel device.

    What can i do to solve?