I think not. You have 3x230V in/3x230V+120V out 3L/3L+N, and you can use N out only for Shelly supply.
Note: you can make this with 3, 230/230 transformers...
I think not. You have 3x230V in/3x230V+120V out 3L/3L+N, and you can use N out only for Shelly supply.
Note: you can make this with 3, 230/230 transformers...
Absolutely right!, sorry.
Then you can made the same but with star/star...
ok, one possibility is putting Shelly1 in ceiling rose and make this conexions in this junctions:
brown from switch1: remove from the actual terminal strip, and connect to Shelly1-L
New wires:
- from Shelly1-0 to brown wires terminal strip
- N to Shelly1-N
- L to Shelly1-L, and Shelly1-I
Remember setting shelly1 button type to "Edge Switch"
Note: I recommend that you use reusable terminal blocks
Good luck!.
I suppose you have 3x220V. Then, I think you can connect N, Va, Vb, and Vc, using a small (25 - 50VA max) 1:1 transformer Delta to Star. In the secondary you will have the same 3 phases that you have in primary plus N.
Good luck.
OK, I made it!
Can I use the "separate switch" mode to make a scene on the device itself?
My "when" scene don't work.
When I turn On switch, I see in APP that the stick of the button symbol go blue, I waiting for 1, 2,... minuts but nothing happen.
Concretely I use this to control delayed and timer shelly relay in manual mode, because I also control it with " Weekly schedule".
Thanks for your help.
I control a little pump with a Selly1PM. In normal work it make around 700W, off no water the power down to 200W.
I want to protect pump (stop it) when it work off no water. Wonderfull iff it send a message!.
I dont found the way with scenes, neyther with DDD!!! (The only tools I know)
Some master know how?
Thanks #MIHO, although not being able to access that history is a shame.
Perhaps it would be a good configuration option to enable a private place in the user's cloud to store these records.
Hi all,
I don't find information about "event log" file. I see in Shelly app only some ones, but don't know how much registers are availables, and if it's posible to download this file.
Someone can help mi?
Thanks in advance.
I think a possible solution is wiring shelly2.5 as a key switch. But first you need to know if controller board has accesible negative and positive 30V dc. You also need a voltage test (from negative) on the yellow/green wire from the key switch. With that I can try to make a wiring diagram.
Good luck
Absolutely correct!
With this device, the power consumption bypasses Shelly.
For a possible solution (?): I don't know if it is possible to parallel Shelly's four outputs (R / G / B / W), use it as a blank, and use all four channels together in a group (?).
I think it's a problem if you manage any of the four channels independently, and I don't know what can happen.