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    Thank you thgoebel ,

    Some of the channel have physical switch. and are set to match the state of the switch. but obviously that didn't happen because I don't think the ShellyPro4PM actually reboot. (your advice would have been perfect in that case)

    I suppose it just lost/invert the 4 register's state* on the micro cut. when it happen, I can see AT ONCE other house lights flicker, server APC bip (server+router +switch protected , Shelly pro4PM are cat5 connected to switch), and some light channels turn ON (Shelly pro4PM).

    A reboot would take few seconds, this why I think Shelly didn't reboot. Unfortunately I didn't think to look at the log (Home assistant - MQTT).

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    For the capacitor I was more thinking about an external one on the main, on the Shelly power input. (a bit like the one you install on the output for motor) but my electrical skill are a bit outdated...

    *I had only witness 4 channels OFF before turning ON after micro cut, (not a combination of state)

    I leave in south Italian country side, and the Grid is not the best, ... V fluctuation and Micro cut are frequent.

    (large photovoltaic plant, frequent Storm, consumers peak, the grid have hard time to cope with fluctuation).

    On several occasions (about 10 times a year), my 2 Shelly Pro 4 PM turn ON or OFF all 4 channels, and I was able to witness and confirm it happen on Micro cut. I also have all sort of Shelly 1st Gen (1, 1L, 1PM, Dimmer) in my place, and none of them are affected. (nor Sonoff/Tasmota item)

    It is very annoying, as it defeat the purpose of relays if I have to power off manually the breaker in front of the Shelly Pro 4PM.

    Load are sensitive like Under Floor Heating or pool pump and could lead on huge electric Bill if I am not there.

    Do you think a hardware solution could solve the problem ? (maybe a capacitor? size ?)

    Thank you for your help ...

    I put a second brand new Shelly EM firmware v1.12, I have the same problem of energy 0 in the range 0.00 to 0.06Kw (like 1/1000 of what it should be).

    I am taking directly those values from listening MQTT, this is not a Home Assistant issue.

    Look like it change with firmware update (previously 1.03 was running with no problem)

    How do you deal with that ? anything you could do ?

    Shelly EM 50A clamp fw: 20210413-154159/v1.10.2-gb89901a


    My Shelly show what I supposed to be the correct values, except for energy 0 which vary now between 0.00 to 0.06Kw despite having a power running most of the time between 500w to 3.5Kw, it happen at once end of august.

    I try a factory reset but no change. (except loss of history)

    I used it with Home assistant +MQTT, My house Energy is not empty, but remain to a flat zero (not the message saying it is no data)

    could you recommend what to do next ??? any chance to make it work again ?

    is it the latest firmware for EM ?

    Thank you for your help.

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    a little follow up on my issue posted in this thread post #115

    all 4 channels turn ON again a couple of time. from what i was able to notice it happen when the power network is disturb during bad weather. variation in V or mini power cut. ( i was not able to reproduce it by turn on/off manually).

    now the interesting thing is :

    on the 2 Shelly pro 4 PM , I disconnect the ethernet cable from 1 and keep the other one connected for several weeks. (to find out if it's lan/software related, ethernet switch and home assistant server being behind UPS).

    on the last 2 times it happen only the one with Lan connection have had the 4 channels turned ON. (lights and pump load)

    to be precise the 2nd Shelly is connected to the main and with screen on, the 4 outputs have no load and each relay are OFF, and remained OFF.

    So it's a good chance it is Lan related ...

    despite more power cuts in my country side, it did not happen recently ...

    It happen again last night !

    The 2 Pro4PM had all channel ON this morning. (1st with load which is really ennoying and 2nd one without load for test). They both are controllable via MQTT and working.

    I am not to sure anymore it’s related to a power cut, when I take the power off and on again, they come back as OFF (the channel setting are left in default factory setting -> “match input”).

    from there I understand “Match input” is physical switch, not the HA switch status. So no good Shelly setting for me, I need to find a way there. (If power come back after an automation kick in, I have will have a mismatch).

    So I have no explanation on WHY all channel turn ON !

    pure mystery!

    I also have some issues, not sure it's related.


    Shelly pro4PM (0.9.3), lan (cat6 3meter) MQTT, HA 2022.2.3

    without any solicitation manual or automation, my Pro4PM turn ON the 4 channels. (3 times this week)

    I noticed, from the HA log the Pro4PM was unavailable for few secondes before turning 4 ch ON (4ch were off before that). I suspect a mini power loss (one pixel on history graph) with a reboot, but I did not see a setting to return at previous state like older non pro Shelly, that could be a solution. I also wonder how to turn off completely the Screen (ideally turn on for a set period when a physical button is pressed), not full then reduce back light screen as default.

    This Pro4PM never see the cloud, and never will. Was on wifi just the time to set MQTT and Lan settings.

    Ha server (raspi) is behind UPS like Shelly EM for monitoring, other shelly 1 or 1PM (wifi old one) show the mini power cut, but stay in previous state.

    edit: just set a second PRO4PM to look for a difference if it reproduce, I will be able to tell.

    at first power (default) 4ch are off.

    set relay power on "default" are "match input" for all. (only 1 channel have a physical switch)

    Sorry my mistake on ref I was meaning DS18B20. I got my solder iron back today, get rid of wago, and I got my 2 temp sensors up in ip page.

    does anybody know how to create entities in HA for the 2 temp sensors with MQTT they don't appear with default auto-discovery ?

    Edit: OK found the solution here

    I did exactly like on the Shelly addon video

    but I could not have the second temp sensor detected. I will get rid of those poor Wago compatible connectors not adapted to so thin wires and solder and insulate by respective colors.

    other issue is to have them working with mqtt ... (autodetected in HA as shelly with 1/2 DHT22, but 1PM with mqtt it is found but unavailable)

    Look like it is not that straight forward ...

    I just was able to pickup my black friday order (after 3 weeks on storage hold by courrier Nexive italy, they just wait for you to pick up don't do last mile delivery, TERRIBLE, please Shelly don't use them anymore), including Temperature Sensor AddOn for Shelly 1/1PM + 2xDS18B20

    The temperature Sensor DS18B20 come with 1m wire

    -> What is the max lengh between sensor addon and DS18B20 ?

    Hi pkinski,

    I have to do something like that too,

    I would not use shelly2.5 for that. (7 wireless network connections for 14 actuators is open path to trouble)

    I don't know if you know this guy

    He develop an Arduino board named EtherUno with built in ethernet and i2C (you can chain as many relays you want). He know very well home assistant and every protocol in the middle.

    In my exchange with him he would be happy to do a tutorial for UFH.

    I do have 11+4 actuators similar to yours (230V Normally open) , and a cat 5 in waiting. need to bring power around ... (unfortunately poe is not an option for actuators)

    Shelly 1PM to kick start the boiler pump with

    Temperature Sensor AddOn for Shelly 1/1PM + 2xDS18B20

    one sensor on each start/return pipe.

    and some wifi thermostats. All managed with Home assistant.

    let join force together if you wish ...

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    I buy 5 shelly 2.5 (EM, Dimmer) black friday (a year ago), and i am stuck with it since then. (Network issue with all 5). on my different attempts, I went all version firmware up to 1.9.3 rc5 but the problem persist. Knowing some other user have them working, I was looking (deep) into my network settings.

    Before explaining underneath, I want to say before installing the Shelly 2.5 everything work fine including Shelly EM and Shelly Dimmer, and some other Sonoff/tasmota devices (ping<10ms). Routeur is a Draytek vigor 2820Vn, very reliable, Home Network very stable.

    Classic Shelly 2.5 install via Shelly 2.5 ssid, (I notice the the page is quiet slow to appear) ping from my phone show 30-40 ms. good enough to be able to look at fw version and set wifi on the phone ssid. reboot again web page from the phone is very slow to come by, but I am able to update firmware that way, reboot, new firmware ok (radio signal -45db).

    I change ssid to home routeur, reboot, average ping from wired iMac > 100ms (phone, routeur & shelly are within 2 m of my desk).

    I try with dhcp or fixed IP (both in the routeur and in Shelly2.5), no change.

    UNTIL you do not try to talk to the shelly, just ping it, the average is > 100ms, BUT if you open a webpage pointing to Shelly IP, it take 2 to 3 minutes (really long) to have an open shelly page with "failed to connect". 100 pings show mostly time out, some packet ping between 10.000 to 15.000 (15 secondes). about 1 mn after closing the webpage, ping fall back to 100ms (and my wife iMac recover internet connection, network was flooded)

    factory test page take minutes (, but work. (but firmware update via browser failed)

    Getting some tools to troubleshoot, upload Wireshark, session with filter shelly2.5 ( and my Mac (

    save a short period capture, you can find here -> in my dropbox public DL.

    You will see a dialogue of the deaf, with lost packets, resend, duplicated, etc... (and the ping)

    I would love if some expert eyes could have a look, to interpret the [RST, ACK],...

    look a bit like in this thread ->…rst-ack-from-cl -> and the solution was ''It turned out that not-changing emphernal port of the client was the problem. Socket was in TIME_WAIT state which prevented the client from connecting to the server once again.Mateusz Stompór Jan 20 at 14:02''

    if his finding apply to my case how to change that in shelly2.5 ?

    Conclusion, my 5 shelly 2.5 (same batch) are affected. happen in Shelly ssid, phone ssid, home ssid. I have raspberrypi with HA 2020-12, shelly 2.5 are detected but failed to connect during configuration, but EM dimmer configure ok. Shelly 2.5 flood the network if you try to address them.

    Well I reach my limits here, need some help ...

    Ps: just got this year black friday after 20 days of storage by the courrier NEXIVE. (I went to pick it up myself), will be able to also check with Shelly 1, 1PM, 1L

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    Well, I do have also some firmware update with fixed IP (also dhcp).

    no vlan yet (until everything work).

    I did update Shelly EM and Shelly Dimmer to 1.8 no problem via IP. but all the Shelly 2.5 mob (3/3, + 2 uninstalled) are resisting, I did try the 3 methods (Android app, IP, OTA) none of them work.

    I am able to ping and notice slow/poor timing (despite some good wifi rssi -45db). look with Wireshark and notice if you have your Chrome page pointing to Shelly Ip the network is flooded with plenty of packets time out. closing that page and the network return to normal. Unfortunately to do a firmware update (Ip or OTA) you need a page pointing there, all my firmware updates failed, and I am stuck.

    I also try from a phone wifi network with 3 items (Phone server, tablette, 1x Shelly2.5), DHCP, the IP page is very sluggish but come after a minute or so. Firmwre update also failed (IP method).

    I am not certain, but I have doubt on firmware (1.6 and before), I get a delivery last december and install them just now.

    I am at loss ... and don't know what to do. (Shelly ticket open, but no solution yet)