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Solved ! (but not by me) 
Shelly.addStatusHandler(function(e) {
// Only handle input from switch state changes
if (e.name === 'input') {
let input0 = Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:0', 0);
let input1 = Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:1', 1);
let input2 = Shelly.getComponentStatus('input:2', 2);
console.log('--- x ---');
console.log('input0 -> ', JSON.stringify(input0));
console.log('input1 -> ', JSON.stringify(input1));
console.log('input2 -> ', JSON.stringify(input2));
console.log('--- y ---');
console.log('event -> ', JSON.stringify(e));
console.log('--- z ---');
let state = input0.state
Shelly.call("Switch.set", {
'id': 1,
'on': state
i've spent the whole day figuring this out, GPT is not helping either.
Another solution to me would be similair like:
If input-1 OR input-2 OR input-3 is ON then Output-x is ON
Thank you Eiche, for helping out here.
I have absolutely no experience with scripting so..
i've punched in the line as you described, but it gives an '-3 reference_error'
if(in1===off && in2===off && in3===off) Shelly.call("HTTP.Get", {url:""});
i think i need the full script from start to finish
Device 'x' = Shelly Pro 1 (
Device 'y' = Shelly Pro 3 (
Hi all,
Pretty new on the Shelly devices and even more on scripting.. (i'm a newbie)
Device 'x' = Shelly Pro 1
Device 'y' = Shelly Pro 3
I have this device 'x' of which i'm switching ON the relay '0'
But... can you tell me on device 'y' how to 'AND' all 3 incoming switches and reset relay '0' from device 'x'?
If Sw1 AND Sw2 AND Sw3 (device 'y') are OFF then switch off Relay '0' from device 'x'
Thank you for your help in advance
Hi all,
New to this community and Shelly.
I want to use a wall display as Thermostat in our B&B.
- can it be locked/password protected while our guests still can use the thermstat to control the temperature?
- can it have a minimum and maximum setting? like only selectable between 18 and 24 degrees?
Thank you in advance