Beiträge von Hendrikk

    Same here. It goes into error state.

    Seems deleting clibration and calibrating again should solve it.

    I my case it did not but maybe I should try again.

    Noticed that the dimmer level is very different from previous firmware which might explain the calibartion need.


    I have an issue with dimmer2. I get false events fired (possibly because of noise on the electricity grid).

    I use MQTT to controll the shelly devices.

    I have button type setup as detached and use 0-input to detect state changed from the connected switch. Based on that event I switch the dimmer2 and a bunch of ther shellys on or off.

    At random times during the day the 0-input event is fired without the switch actually being touched.

    The effect varies with various firmware versions. Also played with button debounce settings but I cannot get rid of these false triggers. A shelly dimmer (1) in the same setup does not have this issue.

    Any ideas?

    I experience same problem without neutral. I believe the load is too little (in my case 13W) . It should work still on paper. Hopefully they fix it

    I'm afraind not..

    This is what I got from Shelly support.

    This is a Zer-crossing error. It can be due to your load or due to a lot of noises over your power network. We are not able to confirm.

    Please use it with Neutral connected.

    Thank you for your time!

    Hi and welcome to the forum. :)

    I think, this is to much.

    After some more experimenting I don't think voltage is the problem.

    It does go into overtemperature is mains voltage is over 250 Volts but the error1 happens with lower mains voltage too. And in that case temperature is not to high.

    See below screenshot after the error happens.

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    It tried to change leading edge to trailing edge but the device seemed to crahs when I did that. Had to take is from power to get it running againa. No even the reset switch on thae back recovered it.

    Followup: It does the same now with neutral connected. Wonder if it has something to do with high voltage on the grid here. Can go up to 253 volt during a sunny day.


    I had my dimmer2 connected with neutral because wifi was not stable without it.

    WIth the latest improvements in firmware I thought I'd try without neutral again (no neutral available where I want to use it). Wifi is stable now but after a few minutes the divice swithes off with Error 1.

    My guess is this is overtemperature since in the states json I see the temp running up over 100C.

    It did not do this with neutral connected. Any ideas?