Beiträge von ninja_zxr


    Is there anywhere that shows the amount of data being sent to shelly cloud for each of the shelly devices you have attached to your account? it's just I plan to use a 4g / 5g router to manage the network the devices are connected too. So would like to understand the amount of network data that's is being consumed.



    I purchased a Shelly Plus 1 EM to monitor the daily usage of an appliance and to trigger a notification if the appliance used more than some many KW in a day. I did this with using the following (it's not the complete script - just the bit relevant to this thread) :-

    Let startMonitor = True

    Let maxEnergy = 4000000

    Let eAccumulator = 0

    Shelly.addStatusHandler(function (event, user_data) {


    if (typeof !== "undefined") {

    print (startMonitor);


    if (startMonitor) {

    eAccumulator = eAccumulator +[0];

    print (eAccumulator = eAccumulator +[0]);

    if (eAccumulator > maxEnergy) {

    print(eAccumulator, "4Kw used consumed");.....................................

    I've now brought a Shelly Pro EM and would like to do the same for each of the Clamps for the circuits they are monitoring. I know I need to split the Clamp data in my script. However my issue is what values / variable to monitor. This there a similar value / variable like["by_minute"] I can use with the Shelly Pro EM?

    Please note I'm a complete beginner to this and finding this scripting language hard to grasp. So I hope the above makes some sense.


    Hi, in the script at the beginning of this thread re the line

    [{"notify":"push_notification","msg":"Mein Text geändert","_gui_type":"notification","_gui_function":"push_notification"}]

    does anyone know what to replace the "push_notification" with to output the the activity log? I've established "mail_notification" will create an email notification.
