Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Ich würde dann wie folgt vorgehen:
Bei den Shellys den Accesspoint einschalten. Diesen aber bitte nicht als offenes Netzwerk laufen lassen, sondern mit einem Passwort versehen (kann bei allen das gleiche sein). Durch die feste SSID weißt Du immer welcher Shelly sich hinter der jeweiligen SSID verbirgt (bitte bei der Einrichtung entsprechend aufschreiben). Jeder Shelly hat somit die IP "". Das macht aber nichts, da Du dich eh immer nur mit einem zur Zeit über den Accesspoint verbindest. Das WiFi kannst Du dann ausschalten, sobald der Accesspoint eingerichtet ist und funktioniert (bitte vor dem Abschalten des Wifi testen).
Bluetooth schaltest Du bitte bei den Shellys ein. Bluetooth RPC und Gateway schaltest Du bitte aus. Da die Reichweite des Blu Button 1 locker reichen sollte, um innerhalb des Wohnwagens jeden der Shellys zu erreichen, brauchen wir hier auch nichts versuchen mit Vernetzung etc.
Nun fügst Du bei den Shellys jeweils folgendes Script ein:
* This script lets you use your Gen2 device as a gateway between Shelly BLU button1 and other Shelly devices (no matter Gen1 or Gen2)
* by sending local requests by their local IP APIs.
* What you should change before using it:
* > bluButtonAddress -> You should put the mac address of your blu button here.
* This script will help you find the mac address:
* > actions -> You should put the urls here to be executed at the specified event. Urls that shoudl be called on single/short push
* of the button, must be placed in the singlePush object. This applies to the double and triple push as well. Example below.
* Limitations:
* > At the moment there is a limit of 5 RPC calls at the same time and because of this, the script will execute every 3 urls with a 1 second delay.
* Limitations can be check here:
* > The order of the execution of the urls can't be guaranteed
/** =============================== CHANGE HERE =============================== */
let bluButtonAddresses = ["MAC1"]
let CONFIG = {
actions: { //urls to be called on a event
//when adding urls you must separate them with commas and put them in quotation marks
singlePush: [ //urls that will be executed at singlePush event from the blu button1
doublePush: [ //urls that will be executed at doublePush event from the blu button1
triplePush: [ //urls that will be executed at triplePush event from the blu button1
longPush: [ //urls that will be executed at longPush event from the blu button1
/** =============================== STOP CHANGING HERE =============================== */
let urlsPerCall = 3;
let urlsQueue = [];
let callsCounter = 0;
let ALLTERCO_MFD_ID_STR = "0ba9";
let BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR = "fcd2";
let uint8 = 0;
let int8 = 1;
let uint16 = 2;
let int16 = 3;
let uint24 = 4;
let int24 = 5;
let BTH = {};
BTH[0x00] = { n: "pid", t: uint8 };
BTH[0x01] = { n: "Battery", t: uint8, u: "%" };
BTH[0x05] = { n: "Illuminance", t: uint24, f: 0.01 };
BTH[0x1a] = { n: "Door", t: uint8 };
BTH[0x20] = { n: "Moisture", t: uint8 };
BTH[0x2d] = { n: "Window", t: uint8 };
BTH[0x3a] = { n: "Button", t: uint8 };
function getByteSize(type) {
if (type === uint8 || type === int8) return 1;
if (type === uint16 || type === int16) return 2;
if (type === uint24 || type === int24) return 3;
//impossible as advertisements are much smaller;
return 255;
let BTHomeDecoder = {
utoi: function (num, bitsz) {
let mask = 1 << (bitsz - 1);
return num & mask ? num - (1 << bitsz) : num;
getUInt8: function (buffer) {
getInt8: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt8(buffer), 8);
getUInt16LE: function (buffer) {
return 0xffff & (( << 8) |;
getInt16LE: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt16LE(buffer), 16);
getUInt24LE: function (buffer) {
return (
0x00ffffff & (( << 16) | ( << 8) |
getInt24LE: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt24LE(buffer), 24);
getBufValue: function (type, buffer) {
if (buffer.length < getByteSize(type)) return null;
let res = null;
if (type === uint8) res = this.getUInt8(buffer);
if (type === int8) res = this.getInt8(buffer);
if (type === uint16) res = this.getUInt16LE(buffer);
if (type === int16) res = this.getInt16LE(buffer);
if (type === uint24) res = this.getUInt24LE(buffer);
if (type === int24) res = this.getInt24LE(buffer);
return res;
unpack: function (buffer) {
//beacons might not provide BTH service data
if (typeof buffer !== "string" || buffer.length === 0) return null;
let result = {};
let _dib =;
result["encryption"] = _dib & 0x1 ? true : false;
result["BTHome_version"] = _dib >> 5;
if (result["BTHome_version"] !== 2) return null;
//can not handle encrypted data
if (result["encryption"]) return result;
buffer = buffer.slice(1);
let _bth;
let _value;
while (buffer.length > 0) {
_bth = BTH[];
if (typeof _bth === "undefined") {
console.log("BTH: unknown type");
buffer = buffer.slice(1);
_value = this.getBufValue(_bth.t, buffer);
if (_value === null) break;
if (typeof _bth.f !== "undefined") _value = _value * _bth.f;
result[_bth.n] = _value;
buffer = buffer.slice(getByteSize(_bth.t));
return result;
function callQueue() {
if(callsCounter < 6 - urlsPerCall) {
for(let i = 0; i < urlsPerCall && i < urlsQueue.length; i++) {
let url = urlsQueue.splice(0, 1)[0];
callsCounter++;"HTTP.GET", {
url: url,
timeout: 5
function(_, error_code, _, data) {
if(error_code !== 0) {
console.log("Calling", data.url, "failed");
else {
console.log("Calling", data.url, "successed");
{ url: url }
//if there are more urls in the queue
if(urlsQueue.length > 0) {
1000, //the delay
function() {
let lastPacketId = 0x100;
function bleScanCallback(event, result) {
//exit if the call is not for a received result
if (event !== BLE.Scanner.SCAN_RESULT) {
//exit if the data is not coming from a Shelly Blu button1 and if the mac address doesn't match
if ( typeof result.local_name === "undefined" ||
typeof result.addr === "undefined" ||
result.local_name.indexOf("SBBT") !== 0 ||
bluButtonAddresses.indexOf(result.addr) == -1
) {
let servData = result.service_data;
//exit if service data is null/device is encrypted
if(servData === null || typeof servData === "undefined" || typeof servData[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR] === "undefined") {
console.log("Can't handle encrypted devices");
let receivedData = BTHomeDecoder.unpack(servData[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR]);
//exit if unpacked data is null or the device is encrypted
if(receivedData === null || typeof receivedData === "undefined" || receivedData["encryption"]) {
console.log("Can't handle encrypted devices");
//exit if the event is duplicated
if (lastPacketId === {
lastPacketId = receivedData["pid"];
//getting and execuing the action
let actionType = ["", "singlePush", "doublePush", "triplePush", "longPush"][receivedData["Button"]];
let actionUrls = CONFIG.actions[actionType];
//exit if the event doesn't exist in the config
if(typeof actionType === "undefined") {
console.log("Unknown event type in the config");
//save all urls into the queue for the current event
for(let i in actionUrls) {
function bleScan() {
//check whether the bluethooth is enabled
let bleConfig = Shelly.getComponentConfig("ble");
//exit if the bluetooth is not enabled
if(bleConfig.enable === false) {
console.log("BLE is not enabled");
//start the scanner
let bleScanner = BLE.Scanner.Start({
duration_ms: BLE.Scanner.INFINITE_SCAN,
active: true
//exist if the scanner can not be started
if(bleScanner === false) {
console.log("Error when starting the BLE scanner");
console.log("BLE is successfully started");
function init() {
//exit if there isn't a config
if(typeof CONFIG === "undefined") {
console.log("Can't read the config");
//exit if there isn't a blu button address
//if(typeof CONFIG.bluButtonAddress !== "string") {
// console.log("Error with the Shelly BLU button1's address");
// return;
//exit if there isn't action object
if(typeof CONFIG.actions === "undefined") {
console.log("Can't find the actions object in the config");
//start the ble scan
//init the script
Alles anzeigen
Das ist eine leicht angepasste Version von diesem Script aus der Library:
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Unter "CHANGE HERE" bitte bei "MAC1" die MAC Adresse Deines Blu Button eintragen. Unter Single Click und Double Click habe ich zwei Actions rein geschrieben, welche das Relais des Shellys schalten sollte.
Bitte versuche dies einmal umzusetzen, dann sollte es funktionieren