Beiträge von Fiorenzo_IT

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin nicht auf Server 42, sondern auf 65. Leider werden meine Geräte teilweise bis vollständig immer wieder im Zeitraum von ca. 10 Uhr bis 16 Uhr offline angezeigt. Manchmal verschwinden auch alle Szenen. Teilweise wird noch die Leistung aus verschiedenen Räumen richtig übermittelt. Am wenigsten funktioniert die App, die alte und neue Oberfläche im Browser nimmt sich nicht viel. Ich bin mir recht sicher, dass ich alles richtig konfiguriert habe. Total frustrierend. Hat jemand Informationen über Server Nr. 65?



    Hallo Peter, sende eine E-Mail an den Support „“ und gib das Problem, die Servernummer und den Benutzernamen an, mit dem du angemeldet bist.

    If, you'll prevere to stop problems with automations, you should think about an local system like, homeassistant or iobroker

    I'm reading up on home assistant, I have to find the hardware that consumes and costs little, then start studying programming again :-) Of course the cloud was more comfortable :-D

    Yes, and you won't know which Server you will get. But I don't know why you should do this, wait for the support doing there work and everything will be fine.

    I'll wait, but it's been 15 days now that the server is in fits and starts .... and I have significant problems with the automations at home :-(

    Laut schreiben ist keine Lösung, und hier sowieso nicht, das Forum und seine Mitglieder können nichts dafür.

    Auf das Ticket hast du eine freundliche Antwort erhalten, reicht das nicht?

    Iund wenn mal ein Maschine ausfällt, was in unserem Unternehmen auch wöchentlich passiert schreien auch die Kollegen nicht rum.

    Also bitte die Form wahren und höflich bleiben.

    Ich habe mich geärgert, weil es das zweite Mal in einer Woche passiert ist, immer derselbe Server, habe ich spontan geschrien, sorry für den Ausbruch.

    Mi sono alterato perchè è la seconda volta in una settimana che succede, sempre lo stesso server, mi è venuto spontaneo urlare, scusate lo sfogo .

    Fiorenzo Di Marco,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Apologize, please, we have an issue with the instance server 42nd. The developers are currently engaged on solving the problem, the issue number is #952.

    This is a very high priority for us, and we assure you soon will be up and running. In the meantime, the devices are accessible over IP.

    Thank you for your understanding and your patience, and once again apologize for the troubles

    Cordiali saluti,

    Shelly Support Team

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    Now..... 🥶

    Gentile Fiorenzo Di Marco,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Apologize, please, we have an issue with the instance server 42nd. The developers are currently engaged on solving the problem, the issue number is #952.

    This is a very high priority for us, and we assure you soon will be up and running. In the meantime, the devices are accessible over IP.

    Thank you for your understanding and your patience, and once again apologize for the troubles

    Cordiali saluti,

    Shelly Support Team

    but it is not possible! :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

    today the server is still offline !


    Shelly is becoming unreliable, I will be forced to change devices. ||

    their last email reply:

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    sorry but I'm exasperated, I have many automatisms and this puts me in great difficulty

    Hi, how do you see what server a device is using ?

    from webp go to: settings>user setting>authorization key and click on the "get key" button from there you can see which server you use

    or locally with shelly's ip address and double-clicking on the cloud (simbolo della nuvola)

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    now it seems that the "" server has started working again, I'm PINGING it and it is always online and reachable, let's hope it continues to work

    thank you all for your cooperation and availability


    Good morning everyone, I too have the same problem, since yesterday it doesn't connect to the cloud or it goes in fits and starts ...

    this is the cloud

    Server: https ://

    connected to :